"I am a little upset" - a review of forum rants/rages

So last night I had a ton of fun ingame, only remark was slowish download but hey - i was having Diablo3 errors in beta for weeks, i was crashing first night of Diablo3, i was crashing first nights of wow-tbc,wotlk,cata, i was crashing on patch days of MassEffect3 multiplayer...in general, launch day crashes and slow download via overburdened servers are a normal thing and I, as an IT masters degree, understand it...Hell, if Blizzard cant make a clean launch day for a decade almost and if anybody has resources and money - it should be them; then how can I be mad at a smallish company that postponed my gaming by 2h45min?
I wanted to make this post because I can see a lot of hate on the forum...must be all the good guys are playing the game so they dont have the time to post:)
So my review on forum rants/rages:
I see people complaining that the game crashes - are you maybe new to the gaming world, because for the past 25 yrs that I was able to game there was NOT a single game in the entire world that worked completely the same for everbody...person A has a crash, person B enjoys the game - its a complex set of conditions - software+hardware - who knows what could have gone wrong so I dont see a point in blaming the company/game; I havent experienced a single crash so far
I see people complaining at the cutscenes - there is really no point in discussing preferences of different people, I understand there are people whose favourite games have wicked cutscenes and that is allright but c'mon, I still enjoy AgeOfEmpires1 or HeroesOfMightAndMagic3 with the same passion now while I play these modern high tech games...i love skyrim, but ofcourse i adore morrowind aswell...so people manage your expectations, we talk for 12 yrs about BG serial because of the story/lore/isometric rpg feeling
I see people saying that 20$ is too much - maybe it is, but there are people who dont mind giving a little bit extra so the gaming companies can make it in this competetive market...in the days I was playing WoW I remember people bitching how indie games are not worth the money, then I read that Blizzard made a new pet buyable for dollars - it cost 25$ and got preordered for 400.000 customers...i rest my case
I see people complaining at "lower" fps - this is not worth the discussion, go play blackops...
I see people complaining at lack of suitable portraits - cmon people, really?!
I see people complaining that nothing is enhanced - ffs, the same game from 12 yrs ago now works in our high resolutions, it doesnt crash on win7/8 (atleast not for most of us),sound got perfected (and music) via new tech, u got bg2 kits in bg1, all other enchancements of bg2 inside bg1... i am aware that most of these things can be done via mods but I for example, like it like this and dont mind paying somebody to package this
I didnt want Overhaul or any other company giving out new content, remaking storyline, characters and touching lore...BG was perfect, I want it to stay like that - just adjusted for modern pcs/monitors and maybe try out bg2 kits in bg1 - and that is what I got! in my eyes, value for money was achieved
And for the end, for all the fans and D'n'D players, have fun and enjoy!
"haters gonna hate and heaters gonna heat"
I wanted to make this post because I can see a lot of hate on the forum...must be all the good guys are playing the game so they dont have the time to post:)
So my review on forum rants/rages:
I see people complaining that the game crashes - are you maybe new to the gaming world, because for the past 25 yrs that I was able to game there was NOT a single game in the entire world that worked completely the same for everbody...person A has a crash, person B enjoys the game - its a complex set of conditions - software+hardware - who knows what could have gone wrong so I dont see a point in blaming the company/game; I havent experienced a single crash so far
I see people complaining at the cutscenes - there is really no point in discussing preferences of different people, I understand there are people whose favourite games have wicked cutscenes and that is allright but c'mon, I still enjoy AgeOfEmpires1 or HeroesOfMightAndMagic3 with the same passion now while I play these modern high tech games...i love skyrim, but ofcourse i adore morrowind aswell...so people manage your expectations, we talk for 12 yrs about BG serial because of the story/lore/isometric rpg feeling
I see people saying that 20$ is too much - maybe it is, but there are people who dont mind giving a little bit extra so the gaming companies can make it in this competetive market...in the days I was playing WoW I remember people bitching how indie games are not worth the money, then I read that Blizzard made a new pet buyable for dollars - it cost 25$ and got preordered for 400.000 customers...i rest my case
I see people complaining at "lower" fps - this is not worth the discussion, go play blackops...
I see people complaining at lack of suitable portraits - cmon people, really?!
I see people complaining that nothing is enhanced - ffs, the same game from 12 yrs ago now works in our high resolutions, it doesnt crash on win7/8 (atleast not for most of us),sound got perfected (and music) via new tech, u got bg2 kits in bg1, all other enchancements of bg2 inside bg1... i am aware that most of these things can be done via mods but I for example, like it like this and dont mind paying somebody to package this
I didnt want Overhaul or any other company giving out new content, remaking storyline, characters and touching lore...BG was perfect, I want it to stay like that - just adjusted for modern pcs/monitors and maybe try out bg2 kits in bg1 - and that is what I got! in my eyes, value for money was achieved
And for the end, for all the fans and D'n'D players, have fun and enjoy!
"haters gonna hate and heaters gonna heat"
Game first lagged a lot, then I searched to find a solution in the forum and I found it. Come on, a little patience and everyone will be able to enjoy fully the game.
Because the people enjoying the game are playing it and seldom come here or at least giving some constructive criticism not shallow pointless whining.
I don't like doing that anymore. I never liked doing it. BG:EE runs for me. I hit the install button. Then it works. And I can play Baldur's Gate.
Some people are having problems. At least the Team is workin on fixing things. We were rapidly approaching the point where BG would no longer be compatible.
I don't regret pre-ordering, and I don't see that changing any time soon.
They'll fix the problems. Until then, you haven't been scammed, conned or been lied to by lazy programmers, you've been unlucky to have that specific set of hard and software that they weren't able to test for. Alas. Better luck next time.
Best of all my kids are now going to cop an eye full of BG:EE!
Best. Game. Ever.
Thank you
I get sick and tired of seeing posts like "MONEY BACK" " DIS GAME SUCKS" or even threads when people try to sound calm/intelligent about it are really saying "THIS GAME SUCKS MONEY BACK NOW" .
I am not a fanboy but jesus people can be really stupid/needy (I have seen this in pretty much every gaming forum)
What is needed:
Constructive Criticism without the need of telling them everything sucks
Properly Reporting Bugs
Encouragement, especially to a smaller company
What is not needed:
1 post accounts making useless threads that doesn't help anyone
stupid threads
useless threads
stupid/useless threads
Personally I would delete any such posts on sight since it doesn't help the game developers... it just brings them down instead. Obviously there will always people disappointed in something but there is nothing wrong with a little encouragement along the way. You want your money back? quietly shut up about it and do it. No need to let us know.
Bugs: If you have been gaming as long as I have then you know bugs are nothing new. It sucks to have game breaking bugs/not even able to start up the game. What can you do about it? Post it in the bug report section, or a main thread for constructive criticism, or look for a side fix from other users in the meantime. How the hell does complaining like a 2 year old help anyone? I know every generation has it problems but jesus damn christ the people these days
There will always be bugs. Testing for bugs? You do realize they do just that. Even with testing they cannot stomp them all out... and new ones arise when the game ships out. They work long hard hours, something I am familiar with.... bugs will get through... even serious ones.
THEY know there are serious bugs. THEY will fix them.
New intro...
at first it felt strange but then I had a feeling of awesomeness
Honestly I think the new art style is pretty neat... personal preference of course
I am standing up for them yes... apologizing for them no... this is how the world works plain and simple
encouragement plz
@the developers focus on the positive ignore the useless
The EE was presented as the definitive BG version because it would have hundreds of fixes that would be integrated into the game and wouldn't require tweaking/downloading bugfixes. Now it's out and a lot of people are having problems... that require tweaking/downloading bugfixes.
Personally I had the 'blurry text' problem and was about to put the game to the side for a while until I tried someone's suggestion to reset my Nvidia settings. I was hoping that we wouldn't have to do things like that anymore, or at least there would be an 'enable 3d text' in the graphics options.
I've noticed that a lot loudest negative voices right now (not talking about this thread) are from people with <10 posts. This is the crowd that is less experienced (as a whole) and was promised a playable experience out of the box. They didn't get that, so they are understandably upset.
It's apologists like you that have allowed the gaming industry to get into the exploitative state that it is. AAA titles are being released for huge prices and are completely riddled with bugs. You want to silence the consumers that are upset with what they received and it's not fair.
Also, please bear in mind that there are people who are experiencing far greater issues with the game than the rest of us. I actually haven't encountered any of the problems that the others have reported so far, but I don't begrudge those people from expressing their concerns. Granted, those who cannot express themselves in an appropriate manner need to be controlled, but it's terribly unfair to label everyone else as 'whiners'.
The lower FPS has nothing, and I MEAN nothing to do with playing Generic Xbox shooters. The reason so many people are bitching about it is the simple fact that we've had the option for the last 14 or so years to not play the game at default speed. It's the same reason that games like StarCraft had an option to go faster, and the same reason they put that in SC2. The slow speeds are good for some people, but some people can, and will choose to play faster.
It's not that we're easily bored, it's that taking away options that have always been available can really ruin an experience.
A lot of people who played the originals enough to mod them to keep them running on modern systems have folders with tons of portraits they have either acquired over the years, or made themselves, and there's no way to just drop them in a folder and go this time.
It's hard to feel like it's enhanced when there are major, experience ruining issues out there for certain users. We can't all be the slow 30 FPS boy with the Golden Computer. Well that's good that you're enjoying it. Some of us are just upset that two weeks ago we were playing BG 1 on modern systems, with all the same great stuff that has had us coming back since '98, and we didn't even have to spend 20 bucks to get it there.
All that being said, I think that Beamdog is going to fix all these issues, and then everyone will be a lot happier, but until then, people are going to complain, and loudly. If you don't like it, alt-tab back into the game, and maybe don't insult the intelligence of people with valid concerns, especially if you're not even going to make an attempt at using correct spelling or grammar, asshole.
That said I don't think it's unreasonable to expect if you took the time to show support for the project by preordering you should reasonably expect to be able to access the product on day of release.
Some people played the original exclusively at a higher speed/fps, and now they don't get to, which I agree can be really annoying.
To the OP, thank you for voicing the opinion of us who are level-headed enough to understand that there are always to be hiccups in a release, rather than take to the forums and whine about the indignity they've had to suffer by experiencing them. This game is my childhood, enhanced. I do not mind waiting for a few kinks to be ironed out.
However, on my PC, with things like the missing animations, the missing load screen (with its often-entertaining tips), and various other less tangible differences, I keep feeling like I want to go back to BGT or BGTutu with widescreen mod.
I'm not saying they've done a bad job in the slightest, and I'm sure the first patch will solve a lot of the issues that people are having... I guess I just prefer what I'm already accustomed to.
I do understand that this isn't just BG of old and therefor technically not the same game and therefor a "new" game, but I think people are frustrated with the relativity of how small the game is and how difficult it's been for some of us to get the files to work right.
I've outlined it in another thread, but I've literally had to download the same 1.8 gig over a half dozen times and I even had this preloaded. You're right that people can be immature and overly quick to pass harsh judgment on something, but lets no err in the same way and pass judgement on them when at this stage we know some people are dealing with a lot more than "download was kinda slow". Repetition can make anyone insane (especially if you're expecting a different result that what you're constantly getting).
WoW and D3 also require a constant interweb connection (which is a lot of server strain and makes connection errors common), so that might not be the best example for use against this (relatively) small game that plays offline too.
Hey, we all love the franchise, so at least we have common ground, right?