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Rasaad unplayable?

Anyone else finding this? Dead, dead, dead, dead, swing, miss, swing, miss, swing, miss. Absolute balls.


  • SarevokokSarevokok Member Posts: 171
    That's fine. Recruit Dorn and falcon kick Rasaad out.
  • VissiousVissious Member Posts: 53
    Monks start off as terrible, but are well worth keeping. Once they've got a few levels behind them the good stuff starts to pile on up :)

    Be like a monk: Have patience ;)
  • AndrasteAndraste Member Posts: 78
    Monks take until around level seven to get good. So he should be decent just in time for the game to end. I wouldn't blame anyone for taking someone else instead, but I look on it as a long-term investment. I'm playing a Blade, so Rasaad and I are currently partners in early level suckitude. Some day, though, we will be able to take on the entire Sword Coast!

    (Of course, right now Rasaad is bugged for me, so it's kind of a moot point anyway.)
  • Grimo88Grimo88 Member Posts: 191
    That's my gripe atm... I want to do the new story content involving him, but he's just unbearable.
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    just speaking from BG1 experience (of course my GPU decided to die 4 hours before release...), but: go to Nashkel Carnival, get the shield amulet. it'll tends to turn unarmored people into unhittable douches.
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    edited November 2012
    Shield Amulet was made for Rasaad (even though it was in the game long before Rasaad was an idea in anyones head......its destiny) and use a stregth buffing spell to help with Rasaad accuracy. Also, unless your facing a magical creature, hit with his fists for more attacks.

    Still, Rasaad is Lawful Stupid which makes me disinclined to take him considering my preference for Chaotic Neutral characters. We would not get

    Go get Dorn whose STR 19 will make him a god amongst men.
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