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Before trying to sell us DLC, the Team should concentrate on squashing bugs and improving stability

Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
Dear devs,

Thanks for the work you have done, though it is great, it is still flawed.

There remains many stability problems :

- stupid slowdowns for no reasons ;
- music and sound stuttering;
- random game crashes ;
- ... (to be discovered)

Concerning the game bugs, there is a lot of work before I can consider it fixed:

- IA scripting problems (Imoen, ...) ;
- no response from Party member when ordered.
- ... will be posted on bug report forum.

What were the beta testers doing ? Or perhaps did you decided to release it without being fixed ?

We also like more options to be adjusted, as it was possible in the original game.
We should not have to get inside the .ini file to modify them.

Therefore, before considering buying any of your DLC, I'd like all the reported bugs (and especially those mentioned above) be fixed.

That's a shame, since I would have been a good customer - but now I'll reluctantly will.


  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460
    I'd imagine all DLC development is being halted until the bugs are sorted out. In fact I don't think the developers have even advertised any DLC as is. They have hinted towards it but that's it at the moment.

    Beta-Testing isn't always fool proof. Keep in mind that this is effectively the first game of its' kind attempted by a studio of so few. That they are developing for 4 different platforms, with all their various graphics cards. And that this is the first day of release and that no patches have been released.
  • TurelusTurelus Member Posts: 23
    Pretty sure they will be working on that.
    The best thing is to submit your bugs and issues in a structured and helpful way, then they can look into them.

    I'm sure they will still work on DLC for the game at the same time, as all companies do.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    "Before trying to sell us DLC, the Team should concentrate on squashing bugs and improving stability"

    This is an understatement, but most definitely they have some major work to do yet just on getting the game to run stably on all the different types of computers out there in the world.
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