in the original game you could kill him after returning from spellhood as the shadow thieves become hostile, so if you do it earlier it is impossible to get their help to reach imoen.
be aware that there is a problem
an other thief named akanis pops out and he has a special sword that kill on hit, so the party has to deal with him in some way, like to have him targeting a mage with PFMW active while the other party members kill him very fast using stat drain.
limited wish and the mind flyer form works perfectly for that, but there are few other options to kill with stat drain at medium levels.
or you have to haste the party before, kill renald with one shot (back stab) and hope to run away fast enough.
with the second tactic you can not enter the docks area any more as akanis will find you and kill you as soon as you enter the area
in EE "the problem" is immune to stat drain, so unkillable afaik. so probably the only safe chance is to use a mage charname with a couple of pfmw memorized or an hasted charname with death ward, and to drop all your party in an other area (maybe breaking the romance), to go there hasted, kill renald and loot him then leave fast and never enter the docks again.
i almost always kill renald in the original game while i did never try in the EE, running with small parties i don't need so much speed boots and to get the ones i need at the end of soa or at the beginning of tob for me is not a big difference.
actually, thanks the EEs, once you come back from spellhold you can kill renal bloodscalp with no worries, beamdog scripted it so that once you hit chapter 6, akanis what's his pickle won't take your team out
so wait until you come back from the underdark and murder away for his cool booties
really? they made him almost unkillable, to do it was a lot of fun for me, then they made getting those speed boots almost without effort, but only at a certain point of the game?
i did not know it, a fun and challenging battle less, as to kill arkanis you needed some proper tactics and preparation, but a very useful pair of speed boots more for those that was not ready to face the original battle.
i have mixed feelings about the change, but anyway thanks for letting me know it!
actually, thanks the EEs, once you come back from spellhold you can kill renal bloodscalp with no worries, beamdog scripted it so that once you hit chapter 6, akanis what's his pickle won't take your team out
so wait until you come back from the underdark and murder away for his cool booties
What will happen if I kill him in chapter 2 and then side with bohdi?
I love the insane troll logic of BG2 sometimes. The most lethal individual in the realms...
Appalling evil sealed at the bottom of a purpose-built tower with an entire monastic order dedicated to keeping it contained? nope
Immortal litch that can bend reality to its will, spam immensely powerful spells with no limit? - still nope
Ancient dragon the size of a mountain that has single-handed my maintained a fragile peace between two powerful and warlike races for centuries? - not even close
A monk so attuned to the universe that even time had no meaning to him? - you’d think so, but not hardly.
No, hands down the most powerful individual in this entire plane of existence is the hired muscle of some petty thief running a second rate burglary ring.
No, hands down the most powerful individual in this entire plane of existence is the hired muscle of some petty thief running a second rate burglary ring.
I think in Icewind Dale, the very first map you enter has a Squirrel that is flagged as being invulnerable. It deals only a paltry 1 damage, but you absolutely cannot kill it with anything, and so it will slowly chase you across the Realms to nibble you to death 1 HP at a time.
No, hands down the most powerful individual in this entire plane of existence is the hired muscle of some petty thief running a second rate burglary ring.
I think in Icewind Dale, the very first map you enter has a Squirrel that is flagged as being invulnerable. It deals only a paltry 1 damage, but you absolutely cannot kill it with anything, and so it will slowly chase you across the Realms to nibble you to death 1 HP at a time.
speaking about IWD, i love how belhifet talks about how he is pleased that you were able to take down his enemy yxunomei as if she was actually a problem for him, its like dude, my team only had to be level 7 to take that baddie down, and yet you can completely slaughter a level 13 team, so what were you even talking about?
No, hands down the most powerful individual in this entire plane of existence is the hired muscle of some petty thief running a second rate burglary ring.
i don't like much the way bg2 use to protect the player from screwing up his game.
there should be better ways then giving items that make invulnerable or weapons that kill on hit.
also a player should face the consequences of his choices, be strategically sound and not only tactically.
if you have only 2 ways to reach I. and you act in a way that make them both impossible you have to pay the price of your strategical blindness.
an alternate way could have been
if you side with the ST and make them hostile before defeating Bodhi you should be able to side with her, paying the price of your previous acts, let's say giving her a very valuable item and some more money, ie FoA or RoV or SoTM and 50k GP, to have her help again.
if you have defeated bodhi and killed renald you should be able to give back the looted boots and again some more money to have aran forgive you and give you again help.
if you have slaughtered both groups well... learn to swim , you have transformed a game that has his plot in a slaughtering feast, face the consequences and try again.
I actually agree completely with that, gorgonzola. All of the attempts to keep the player from wrecking the plot are silly. Any actual DM knows that players often ruin perfectly laid plans, so they have backup plans, and if those fail... actual tears.
A far better way to handle these sorts of situations is a strongly worded reminder that you are now screwed, and then let you wander around aimlessly until you get tired of wandering and restart.
I will say that silently allowing a player to continue on blindly after completely hosing the main quest would be both cruel and poor treatment of the customer, but merely allowing the player to hose the main quest would not.
However, we all know that there was a time crunch on SoA, so I imagine this was the fastest way to the solution - not the best.
in IWD 2 if you killed someone that was needed to make the plot continue you would just get an automatic game over instead
I actually loved that about BG1. If you somehow managed to kill an NPC that was crucial to the plot (say, by spawning in a Wand of Cloudkill and using it on Gorion while being too far away for him to register you), the NPC would die, but you would get a Game Over screen stating "An NPC crucial to the plot has been killed." It was like the game was acknowledging what you'd done, but also telling you that if you want to keep going, you need to at least follow the plot. Not too dissimilar to tabletop players goofing off by saying "I attack the King!" and then one TPK against the Royal Guards later, the DM laughs and says, "OK, that was fun, guys, but we all know that didn't happen." and rewinds time.
Actually, there's a way to kill him pre-Spellhold and still side with the Shadow Thieves. You probably lose the thief stronghold, though.
Arkanis only spawns if any of the thieves in the building go hostile. If you feeblemind every thief (including Bloodscalp) upstairs, you can then slaughter the big boy, nab his boots, and book it out of there without penalty. I did him in after finishing the Mae'var quest last week, and I still sided with the Shadow Thieves afterwards (he's not essential to the plot).
Do make a separate save beforehand, and make a save before killing him. Sometimes it bugs out and the thieves downstairs turn hostile, but I've only had that happen once or twice. In general, if everyone upstairs is feebleminded, you're good to go!
Arkanis Gath is a shadow thief. If you side with Bodhi, he’s a relatively normal enemy and can be killed. If you don’t/haven’t and you start killing shadow thieves, he’s there to kill you so you’ll reload and make a different choice.
Arkanis Gath is a shadow thief. If you side with Bodhi, he’s a relatively normal enemy and can be killed. If you don’t/haven’t and you start killing shadow thieves, he’s there to kill you so you’ll reload and make a different choice.
if you side with bodhi renald disappears from the game, so you can not kill him and loot his boots, if you side with the ST or you try to kill him before siding to a part arkanis kills you.
in not EE there are ways to kill arkanis, not easy but it can be done, using stat drain.
in EE it is impossible, even if the way @Petycon tells about should work, i never did try it, but from what i read in EE after returning from spellhood arkanis does not show up any more.
so is possible to loot those boots only siding with the ST, but in not EE you can do it sooner and sooner or later you have a really technical fight (against an enemy that 1 hit kills you and that you can only kill level draining a stat to 0), in EE without that battle, but only after returning from spellhood.
it is impossible to pick pocket renald for those boots, are flagged as impossible to steal. trying to steal from him you get only minor loot.
if you side with bodhi renald disappears from the game, so you can not kill him and loot his boots, if you side with the ST or you try to kill him before siding to a part arkanis kills you.
in not EE there are ways to kill arkanis, not easy but it can be done, using stat drain.
in EE it is impossible, even if the way @Petycon tells about should work, i never did try it, but from what i read in EE after returning from spellhood arkanis does not show up any more.
so is possible to loot those boots only siding with the ST, but in not EE you can do it sooner and sooner or later you have a really technical fight (against an enemy that 1 hit kills you and that you can only kill level draining a stat to 0), in EE without that battle, but only after returning from spellhood.
it is impossible to pick pocket renald for those boots, are flagged as impossible to steal. trying to steal from him you get only minor loot.
I just used feeblemind trick while still in ch2 in bg2 ee, it worked flawlessly. Um, that is, until I forgot to also feeblemind everyone on the first floor before killing renal, and didn't notice until I spent 15 hours doing other quests...derp. I ended up having to clua console to brynlaw.
Arkanis Gath is a shadow thief. If you side with Bodhi, he’s a relatively normal enemy and can be killed. If you don’t/haven’t and you start killing shadow thieves, he’s there to kill you so you’ll reload and make a different choice.
What if I turn on story mode temporarily will that work?
That version of Arkanis has "Kill(Player1)" in his script. I think that's the same as the "Kill Target" effect that death magic protection (including Story Mode) protects against.
Of course, even if you do protect against it, he doesn't just go away. He'll always be in that area to attack you once summoned, and you can't kill him.
That version of Arkanis has "Kill(Player1)" in his script. I think that's the same as the "Kill Target" effect that death magic protection (including Story Mode) protects against.
Of course, even if you do protect against it, he doesn't just go away. He'll always be in that area to attack you once summoned, and you can't kill him.
I actually just accomplished it lol. I killed renal bloodscalp paused it took his shit and ran out of the building hasted xD it took me enough times I almost gave up lol but I got the goons boots. (some shadow thieves followed me outside but arkanis didn't but I probably would have outrun him anyway.
be aware that there is a problem
limited wish and the mind flyer form works perfectly for that, but there are few other options to kill with stat drain at medium levels.
or you have to haste the party before, kill renald with one shot (back stab) and hope to run away fast enough.
with the second tactic you can not enter the docks area any more as akanis will find you and kill you as soon as you enter the area
in EE "the problem" is immune to stat drain, so unkillable afaik. so probably the only safe chance is to use a mage charname with a couple of pfmw memorized or an hasted charname with death ward, and to drop all your party in an other area (maybe breaking the romance), to go there hasted, kill renald and loot him then leave fast and never enter the docks again.
i almost always kill renald in the original game while i did never try in the EE, running with small parties i don't need so much speed boots and to get the ones i need at the end of soa or at the beginning of tob for me is not a big difference.
you can also look here, is an old thread, but deals exactly with your problem
i hope it helps.
so wait until you come back from the underdark and murder away for his cool booties
i did not know it, a fun and challenging battle less, as to kill arkanis you needed some proper tactics and preparation, but a very useful pair of speed boots more for those that was not ready to face the original battle.
i have mixed feelings about the change, but anyway thanks for letting me know it!
What will happen if I kill him in chapter 2 and then side with bohdi?
and even joining bodhi's side doesnt help, because if im not mistaken renal disappears before you come to the thief strong hold to take them out
so, if i were you, i would just wait until chapter 6, its much easier, and its really no muss or fuss at that point
so actually ironically, make sure not to side with bodhi or else you will never get renal's booties
Appalling evil sealed at the bottom of a purpose-built tower with an entire monastic order dedicated to keeping it contained? nope
Immortal litch that can bend reality to its will, spam immensely powerful spells with no limit? - still nope
Ancient dragon the size of a mountain that has single-handed my maintained a fragile peace between two powerful and warlike races for centuries? - not even close
A monk so attuned to the universe that even time had no meaning to him? - you’d think so, but not hardly.
No, hands down the most powerful individual in this entire plane of existence is the hired muscle of some petty thief running a second rate burglary ring.
I think in Icewind Dale, the very first map you enter has a Squirrel that is flagged as being invulnerable. It deals only a paltry 1 damage, but you absolutely cannot kill it with anything, and so it will slowly chase you across the Realms to nibble you to death 1 HP at a time.
speaking about IWD, i love how belhifet talks about how he is pleased that you were able to take down his enemy yxunomei as if she was actually a problem for him, its like dude, my team only had to be level 7 to take that baddie down, and yet you can completely slaughter a level 13 team, so what were you even talking about?
there should be better ways then giving items that make invulnerable or weapons that kill on hit.
also a player should face the consequences of his choices, be strategically sound and not only tactically.
if you have only 2 ways to reach I. and you act in a way that make them both impossible you have to pay the price of your strategical blindness.
an alternate way could have been
if you have defeated bodhi and killed renald you should be able to give back the looted boots and again some more money to have aran forgive you and give you again help.
if you have slaughtered both groups well... learn to swim
A far better way to handle these sorts of situations is a strongly worded reminder that you are now screwed, and then let you wander around aimlessly until you get tired of wandering and restart.
I will say that silently allowing a player to continue on blindly after completely hosing the main quest would be both cruel and poor treatment of the customer, but merely allowing the player to hose the main quest would not.
However, we all know that there was a time crunch on SoA, so I imagine this was the fastest way to the solution - not the best.
I actually loved that about BG1. If you somehow managed to kill an NPC that was crucial to the plot (say, by spawning in a Wand of Cloudkill and using it on Gorion while being too far away for him to register you), the NPC would die, but you would get a Game Over screen stating "An NPC crucial to the plot has been killed." It was like the game was acknowledging what you'd done, but also telling you that if you want to keep going, you need to at least follow the plot. Not too dissimilar to tabletop players goofing off by saying "I attack the King!" and then one TPK against the Royal Guards later, the DM laughs and says, "OK, that was fun, guys, but we all know that didn't happen." and rewinds time.
Arkanis only spawns if any of the thieves in the building go hostile. If you feeblemind every thief (including Bloodscalp) upstairs, you can then slaughter the big boy, nab his boots, and book it out of there without penalty. I did him in after finishing the Mae'var quest last week, and I still sided with the Shadow Thieves afterwards (he's not essential to the plot).
Do make a separate save beforehand, and make a save before killing him. Sometimes it bugs out and the thieves downstairs turn hostile, but I've only had that happen once or twice. In general, if everyone upstairs is feebleminded, you're good to go!
Who are the arkanis again?
so I can just go ahead and off renald bloodscalp?
in not EE there are ways to kill arkanis, not easy but it can be done, using stat drain.
in EE it is impossible, even if the way @Petycon tells about should work, i never did try it, but from what i read in EE after returning from spellhood arkanis does not show up any more.
so is possible to loot those boots only siding with the ST, but in not EE you can do it sooner and sooner or later you have a really technical fight (against an enemy that 1 hit kills you and that you can only kill level draining a stat to 0), in EE without that battle, but only after returning from spellhood.
it is impossible to pick pocket renald for those boots, are flagged as impossible to steal. trying to steal from him you get only minor loot.
I just used feeblemind trick while still in ch2 in bg2 ee, it worked flawlessly. Um, that is, until I forgot to also feeblemind everyone on the first floor before killing renal, and didn't notice until I spent 15 hours doing other quests...derp. I ended up having to clua console to brynlaw.
What if I turn on story mode temporarily will that work?
Of course, even if you do protect against it, he doesn't just go away. He'll always be in that area to attack you once summoned, and you can't kill him.
I actually just accomplished it lol. I killed renal bloodscalp paused it took his shit and ran out of the building hasted xD it took me enough times I almost gave up lol but I got the goons boots. (some shadow thieves followed me outside but arkanis didn't but I probably would have outrun him anyway.