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BG1:EE Scripts Suddenly not working

My PC is set on Thief controlled and typically would attempt to hide in shadows. Imoen is the same and I recently switched her to finding traps. I have a bard who is set on Bard Controlled. However, I don't remember exactly when, but suddenly none of the scripts are working. When I press D or V buttons, it has no responses from the game. Previously when I press D to switch, the game will indicate that it received the command.

Can anyone help me figure out what is going on?



  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Sounds like you've turned off Party AI. Press 'A' or click the lantern-ish button at the bottom right of the UI to re-enable it.
  • FQVBSinaFQVBSina Member Posts: 39
    CamDawg wrote: »
    Sounds like you've turned off Party AI. Press 'A' or click the lantern-ish button at the bottom right of the UI to re-enable it.

    I think you are right! Thanks!
  • shabadooshabadoo Member Posts: 324
    Happens to me constantly, only the other way around. I don't usually use scripts and so keep ai off and turn it on when my tactics call for it. Sometimes a character suddenly starts doing the wrong thing...oops... ai got turned on and its another reload.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    same for me, until i will learn to write my own scripts i prefer to have full control over what the boys do, thieves that stab the wrong person in the wrong moment, or maybe the right ones, but before my mage has breached them, mages that cast a not needed protection so can not cast at the right time the spell i need and make me wait a full round when in my tactic i have only a short window of time to do it, "nalia, why do you cast stoneskin now, no one is attacking you, you had to cast MMA to disrupt that ADHW, now half party is near death, shame on you!!!". :D
    i don't trust the vanilla scripts at all.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Assign 'none' as the character's script as an extra layer of protection.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @CamDawg very good suggestion.
    actually is the first thing i do, but still sometimes i like to use script features, surely not for the casters, as i want complete control on what spells they use and when they use them, but let's say for a thief can be convenient to have him hide automatically every time he can. or for a bard to have him sing, so if i am ambushed my party has already an other layer of protection. then, when the battle really begins, if i forget to turn off the ai problems become to rise.

    i would really like to be able to write my own scripts, perfectly suited to my needs, ie a script that, on enemy seen, let my bard sing at the right time and then attack, ranged or mlee, for his apr, then switch automatically to sing again before the previous song expires. It would allow me to have the song effect without loosing the attack potential of the bard, thing that in EE i can do (without a massive micro managing) only using a clone to sing, thing that i don't like as i find it unfair, the bard becomes invisible after each attack so has no retaliation. and also i can not use the massive ac boost of the enhanced song to have him tanking, thing that i have done many times in not EE where setting the autopause on round end on is really easy to obtain, you order to the bard to sing, unpause and as soon as he sings you order him to attack, counting his attacks and then order him to sing again.
    the way EE changed the interaction between round end and song make it impossible.
    or a script that if party members are out of control for fear makes the bard run near them and sing.
    those are a couple of examples of scripts i would like to have, but i have no experience in coding and i don't feel to go trough the process of learning how to code properly,
  • shabadooshabadoo Member Posts: 324
    I'm with Gorgonzola all the way. We need a "if this then that" system in the scripts. Each character gets a number of scripts slots. Each slot would offer one list of triggers and one list of reactions. The lists should have a few class specific options and some general ones. Alas, I know not the arcane lore of coding.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    slightly off topic, but i think that also the possibility to set the auto pause individually for each party member would be a great improvement.
    ie maybe i want to set it to my mage, both when the spell is cast and at round end, to be free to relocate him or have him use a ranged weapon without the risk of interrupting his casting, and to be sure that the next spell is ordered as soon as the new round begins. but at present i have to un pause 5 more times because the individual round end happens for my other 5 toons, that can be fighters that don't need it (unless they have access to hla like GWW or hardiness, and the auto pause can be a way to count the rounds hardiness last and to use gww right at the beginning of the other rounds, but then i would be able to set it also for that fighter only).

    for me to have this feature would be useful when i try complex tactics that need cast and attack, relocate the toons on the battle field, precise timing (ie to cast a breach only if my fighters are ready to attack an enemy that will rebuff very fast).
    i prefer to use anyway the autopause in those situations and to press space some more times is not something that ruins my gaming experience, but if possible i would like to have that feature.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    shabadoo wrote: »
    I'm with Gorgonzola all the way. We need a "if this then that" system in the scripts. Each character gets a number of scripts slots. Each slot would offer one list of triggers and one list of reactions. The lists should have a few class specific options and some general ones. Alas, I know not the arcane lore of coding.

    it would be great if some players that are good at coding and some other ones that are tactically strong would meet somewhere in those forums to brain storm and try to create a set of ai scripts that give really to the advanced players control.
    i know very little about coding, but from the little that i know the scripts can be very powerful and versatile.
    if someone check the river mod he will see that it implements a new class, beyond the supposed engine limits, that has somehow the capabilities of a FMTC multi and a very special way to level up.
    there the dedicated ai script has to be turned on every time the toon levels up, as mechanically, engine wise, the reaver is a dual class, so the leveling up happens in the way needed, with arcane "fake divine" spells automatically added to the spell book, the first class rising in level and being every time only 1 level less of the active one and so on.
    if an ai script can do this i am convinced that it can do a lot more then what is normally implemented in the scripts we have as control by the player of what the ai driven toon does.

    the tactically strong players could find out how proper "not dumb" scripts should work and the ones able to code could find out how to actually implement the thing, given the way the scripts and engine work.

    probably it is only a dream of mine, but if done it would be a great improvement to the game.
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