Benefit of waiting for the iPad

It looks like there are quite a few bugs still lurking in the first release. Perhaps the iPad version will get patched up sooner as it has not even been submitted to the store yet. Well, this is turning a bit disappointing, but it really looks like they pushed this out the door a good month earlier than they should have. Lessons to learn for BG2:EE!
Look, they tore down pretty much the entire underpinning of the game and built it back up using current standards and techniques. If they didn't see massive hardware incompatibility coming I don't know what these people do for a living.
They should have been smart and released a "Prolog" play-through with a level lock MONTHS ago as an open download for the PC...or at worst case, to only those with a paid per-release subscription. This isn't hard...remove a door / area transition and allow it to download the entire client.
This would have solved the windows threads months ago and produced a release date that was reasonable instead of "well we think we'll be ready by this point...after all, it works on our 5 beta tester's machines!"
I'm praying that due to the lack of hardware differences (the reason you, as a professional developer, releases on iPad first and not Android) the iPad release will be well tested...after all they've only got 5 platforms to test on (iPad, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad4 and Mini iPad).
There could be other app compatibility issues, no question about it, but at minimum the base functionality should work pretty well just by minimal testing...and we hopefully won't run into the same problems the windows folks have with the plethora of hardware differences and "mix and match" mentalities.
Surprised the OS X version is having problems actually...the same hardware locks are in place for that platform as well.
BG:EE Is a unique development effort. In most cases it can be almost impossible to find the right place to put out a demo. IN BG:EE you have the game already...from DAY ONE you could release a demo version of the software because it's a working piece of software with the graphics, story, characters and all pieces working. Every time you change something on the back end in code your goal is not to see "what's been added" but to get back to "what was" only better.
It can't be rocket science to realize that if you take a 20 year old piece of software and update it to current standards, your software MIGHT have some compatibility problems with some of the newer hardware...amazingly enough CPUs, Video Cards and other pieces of hardware and software have changed since 1996...I know, I'm shocked also.
"Hey world at large. Here's the opening movie! Can you get it to load?"
I guarantee to you that would have fixed/saved at least 3/4 of the problems appearing in the Windows thread right now.
They started with a fully developed game. No reason they couldn't have removed the exit points from the starting map and released the full software for download (you just couldn't play anything but the first zone).
*Shrug* Maybe it's harder than I'm figuring but they've HAD beta testers, I just don't understand why you couldn't take what is being betaed and release a more limited version of it to the masses to test for hardware incompatibility.
BTW Reading the windows forum, why do I get the feeling the iPad forum is like the rock in the middle of the hurricane.
But the iPad 3 is so much better on the eyes, Boo. I think BG, especially with all its text, is going to be preferable on as high a res as possible. Not to mention iPads are IPS.
It's because we're more patient than windows player, and also because we know that it's useless to have the same behavior lol
I had personally considered buying the Windows version, but I absolutely changed my mind when I discovered that they were having issues with Intel Graphics. I realized that there is no knowing for sure that the game will play without lags or issues on a platform with virtually hundreds of different configurations (OS, CPU, GPU, drivers, etc.), especially with the developer's seemingly limited resources for testing.
On the other hand, the game is guaranteed to play without any issues on the iPad/iOS platform because very few different configurations exist (iPad 1, 2, 3 and mini); in other words they only have these configurations to test, and then tweak the game to work flawlessly on them.
So, I will simply wait for the iPad version, because I can know for sure that my experience will not be ruined. Long live Apple and the iPad... and everyone passionate about Fantasy.