Concerning the bugs

Just wanted to emphasize that the number of complaints is nowhere nearing 100 posts while the number of pre-orders is over 4k, if we double the number of complaint-posts to include people who do have issues with BGEE but won't post it on the forums, we get to around 4% of total pre-orders. That seems like a win for Overhaul team for sure.
Long P.S.: For all the newcomers hating the new UI here's a pre-planned 3-stage progress for you:
1) shock&hate
2) shock&hate&tears of nostalgia
3)acceptance of the awesomeness of the oh-so-glamorous-blue-marble and being in awe from its' beauty
That is all.
Long P.S.: For all the newcomers hating the new UI here's a pre-planned 3-stage progress for you:
1) shock&hate
2) shock&hate&tears of nostalgia
3)acceptance of the awesomeness of the oh-so-glamorous-blue-marble and being in awe from its' beauty
That is all.