Customized Weapon Related Feats (1.80)

From the 1.80 Patch Notes:
Other than the above, there is no documentation for this. Can I assume that this is for adding the above feats to custom weapons (like CEP, etc)?
Customize weapons-related feats in baseitems.2da
Weapons-related feats (Focus, Epic Focus, Spec, Epic Spec, Improved Crit, Overwhelming Crit, Devastating Crit, Weapon of Choice) can now be customised on a per-baseitem case.
Please refer to baseitems.2da for the new columns: WeaponFocusFeat EpicWeaponFocusFeat WeaponSpecializationFeat EpicWeaponSpecializationFeat WeaponImprovedCriticalFeat EpicWeaponOverwhelmingCriticalFeat EpicWeaponDevastatingCriticalFeat WeaponOfChoiceFeat
Other than the above, there is no documentation for this. Can I assume that this is for adding the above feats to custom weapons (like CEP, etc)?
This will allow us to add all the basic weapons that were missing like great club etc.. and even custom weapons like say lasers with weapon focus other feats etc... and multiples if you want different size of the same base item. I will be adding many to my base wither I make it compatible with cep model asset is another thing.
Once you do that, when you open Explorer it is able to interpret all of the data.
They point to the row in the feat.2da I doing my update to my base right now. All the numbers look right to me. Row 103 is weapon focus for short sword.
As you can see, that becomes a nightmare to edit.
Make sure it's disabled.
Also it seems you've added *.txt extension to baseitems.2da (or you've used 'export text' instead of 'export' in NWNexplorer) . Make sure to remove that extension if you want NWN to use the file.
I appreciate your time.
I'm going to have to resort to plan B.
*After more testing it the way the new explorer is exporting I think, after importing into the other programs and then out again it fine.
So either avoid notepad or use another editor to convert LF to CRLF first ( i guess all editors but notepad can do that).
I do have one question though: what about Weapon Finesse? Is there a flag or 2da column that can be added on whether a weapon can be finessed? Or is that still hardcoded?
Yes, adding finesse and monk weapon columns would be nice. (I wish they unlock the ac for the tower shield too, show up in toolset but not on the pc this is when it set to 4 for 3.5 rules) maybe it works need to test it.