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Ingame voice bugged.

So i had finished making an archer for multiplayer and then decided to make a Paladin for solo play.
When i was finishing my paladin and got to pick a voice, i pressed play and noticed i couldnt hear them or they either didnt play.
Its the same ingame aswell, my characters voice cant be heard and the same goes for the NPCs.

My archers voice was just fine, im afraid to check if the voice of my archer still works in fear of transferring the bug.

Is this a known bug and are there any fixes?



  • theJoshFrosttheJoshFrost Member Posts: 171
    This would be better suited for the Bug section of the forum. Check there and see if you find anything.

    I'm experiencing something similar, but not exact.
  • Origin88Origin88 Member Posts: 71
    Its just really weird, one moment i had voice and the next its gone >.>;
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