**[Complete]** Enchanter Playthrough BGEE on Switch

Hi all, much like a lot of you, I've played through the saga more than I can count both good and bad. I recently got back into it once it came out for the Switch, and side note, I think it's a fantastic port. I play it more on the Switch than I do on my desktop. That said, I was googling solo playthroughs of some classes, when I stumbled upon Genryu's solo necromancer post.
I was throughly fascinated by it, and others like it on here, and decided to try my own spin.
I liked the rules that Genryu put for himself, and I'm inclined to follow the same route. For those that don't know, I'll list them here.
* Can only use spells/scrolls belonging to the school of Enchantment (he had necromancy).
* Green scrolls are allowed.
* Wands and other magical items are allowed.
I chose the Enchanter class for a few reason
1. Whenever I played a mage, or had a mage in my party I would always saddly them with MM, Fireball, Haste, etc.
2. I feel compared to the other specalizations, Enchanter is the most trickest of them all with not having access to both high tier spells, but also damaging ones.
3. I would always stock pile a randon assortment of potions in my potion bag and rarely ever use them
4. I played an enchanter in a DnD 5th Ed game and I had a lot of fun since I could participate both in and out of combat
That said, becaue I play mainly on my switch that is where a lot of the screen shots to prove progress will come from, so I will make sure they're the best quality, and while I like the desktop version using the switch version I feel the PC layout is just slow and clunky since it's all point and click.
I will be going off of the automatic save titles the save slots give you, when you save games.
So meet Aziraal Silvertongue!
Brief Character Overview
It took me about 20 minutes to get a 90, mainly because I don't like to min/max and I don't like any stat not required for a character to below a 10.
I was throughly fascinated by it, and others like it on here, and decided to try my own spin.
I liked the rules that Genryu put for himself, and I'm inclined to follow the same route. For those that don't know, I'll list them here.
* Can only use spells/scrolls belonging to the school of Enchantment (he had necromancy).
* Green scrolls are allowed.
* Wands and other magical items are allowed.
I chose the Enchanter class for a few reason
1. Whenever I played a mage, or had a mage in my party I would always saddly them with MM, Fireball, Haste, etc.
2. I feel compared to the other specalizations, Enchanter is the most trickest of them all with not having access to both high tier spells, but also damaging ones.
3. I would always stock pile a randon assortment of potions in my potion bag and rarely ever use them
4. I played an enchanter in a DnD 5th Ed game and I had a lot of fun since I could participate both in and out of combat
That said, becaue I play mainly on my switch that is where a lot of the screen shots to prove progress will come from, so I will make sure they're the best quality, and while I like the desktop version using the switch version I feel the PC layout is just slow and clunky since it's all point and click.
I will be going off of the automatic save titles the save slots give you, when you save games.
So meet Aziraal Silvertongue!
Brief Character Overview
A man born of beauty and brains. For his every word seemed to enthrall all those that listened, almost hypnotizing anyone who listened to him for extended periods of time. He knew he was special, for you see, most students of the magical arts, while able to conjure up small pairs of dice, or a piece of a hay, Aziraal was able to soothe people to the point where they would wake up hours later not knowing when or how they fell asleep. Others would recall finding themselves with items they never purchased, nor locations never visited. Aziraal would use his magics to have people "gift" him things he would otherwise never be able to get for himself. He knew people were expendable, and for this he would refuse to travel with, or befriend, anyone who could potentionally resist his melodic words.
His father, Gorion, came to him one day more urgently that usual, expecting another lecture on his magical duties, except this time he was told to gather his things and prepare the leave the cozy walls of Candlekeep. Intrigued by the possibilites of a larger audience to enthral, Aziraal looked forward to this trip. Little did he know things would soon change.
His father, Gorion, came to him one day more urgently that usual, expecting another lecture on his magical duties, except this time he was told to gather his things and prepare the leave the cozy walls of Candlekeep. Intrigued by the possibilites of a larger audience to enthral, Aziraal looked forward to this trip. Little did he know things would soon change.
It took me about 20 minutes to get a 90, mainly because I don't like to min/max and I don't like any stat not required for a character to below a 10.

Post edited by TheGreatGodLoki on
Day 1: Hour 1
Ugh. My head. In an attempt to escape the ambush I must've tripped and knocked myself out. Unfortunately it doesn't seem I'm alone. My half wit of a half sibling, Imeon, seemed to have snuck along. I'll have to ditch her as soon as I can. Until then, I'll make my way to the Friendly Arm Inn for the time being as Gorion sough to do, and seek out his two friends.
Day 1: Hour 1
What luck, upon traveling the road a glint of light caught my eye, upon further investigation I stumbled upon a diamond stashed away. Why it is there i haven't a clue, but it's mine now.
Day 1: Hour 8
Hmm. Upon resting, an old man in red robes came up to me and started asking me questions. I told him to leave. I've had enough problems with mysterious figures as it is.
Day 1: Hour 12
My luck continues to improve! I felt a pull of magical energy and discovered a mystery ring hidden inside a rock off the side of the road outside the Inn. I'll have to have a local priest identify it. Could fetch a pretty penny.
Day 1: Hour 12
Good news and bad. And I'll start with the latter. I was able to use my enchantment magic to "convince" Imeon to stay at the inn. Now I should get some peace and quiet upon my journey. The second piece of good news is that the ring i found increases my magic capabilites. I find I'm able to increase my magical conduit to cast more spells a day without tiring. The bad news, an assassin halted me and Imeon at the steps to the Inn. With her help we quickly put him into the ground. Upon searching the body, and finding a few worthless magic scrolls. What I found tucked under his belt troubles me the most. A note I detailing a bounty on my head. Who, what, or why I have one is unknown. But if I stumble upon anymore assassin's I'll use my enchantment magic and get to the bottom of this. For whomever wants me killed will find that I'm hard to put down, and they best hope their assassins are better trained in the future.
I'll continue my journey in the morning and seek out these two individuals Gorion spoke of to figure out to progress. Hopefully they won't be as annoying as Imeon.
You crafted an intriguing bio, and I love how you are retaining a nice RP gloss in your reporting. Great choice of form and awesome job - looking forward to reading more!
P.S. How did you settle on the name Aziraal? Is it a morph of "Azriel" a la Anne Rice?
Thanks! A lot this I'm pulling from the layout that Genryu did, a summary of portions of the chapters with screenshots of gameplay.
Aziraal actually came from the Two Worlds game, a game I found out by watching some random gamer review it, but as the years went on I kinda outgrew this user name which I used for everything else growing up. A few reasons being,
1. TheGreatGodLoki usually fullfilled all the username requirments on websites
2. I was really big into Norse myths growing up and Loki was my guy, plus he had a fantastic role in the children series, Everworld by K.A Applegate. But when the MCU came out I got off that train.
3. Aziraal was shorter, cooler, and just as uncommonly taken.
Since then Aziraal has become my username for most websites if it isn't taken.
I feel ya!
What I like most about the Enchanter as a RP perspective is that most people wouldn't be inclined to join a random person on a quest. sure in the game everyone you pick up before Nashkel all want to get to Nashkel (Khalid, Jaheria, Xzar, and Montaron), or meet up with you later (Dorn), or will follow you because you've crossed pathes with someone they want to go after (Kivan). But then there isn't a reason for them to stay with you after that. But if they were magically inclined to stay with you, then they wouldn't want to leave.
For the first time since leaving Candlekeep I have slept peacefully. Now to make my way down and find the two friends Gorion had mentioned, Khalid and Jaheria. Upon first impression, I'm not impressed. Khalid is a stuttering coward with no confidence and equal spine to match. Yet somehow, his wife is the exact opposite. While I'm sure I could get Khalid to do what I want, his wife's will is too strong to fall for my tricks. So I decided to leave them both there. I don't need useless bodies mucking up my precious time.
However, during our brief conversation, they explained to me their need to go to Nashkel and explore the iron crisis that has been plaguing the area. While I'm not sure if that is where I need to go, it's at least a direction I can head to for now.
Day 3: Hour 12
Traveling to the nearest town called Beregost, I was stopped by traveler telling me to keep my voice down. Me? Who does he think to just come up to me and tell me to be quiet. He did mentioned that there is a ogre nearby. Which gives me an idea. If I can persuade this creature I could have a "faithful" bodyguard.
Day 3: Hour 15
Damn. The brute wouldn't listen to reason and for my arrogance I nearly lost my head. I had to use all my magic capabilites to put that thing down. Let's hope I'm still steady with a sling until I can find a place to rest. And Let's hope even more that I'm not too far away from Beregost.
Day 4: Hour 1
Finally made it to Beregost. Now to find an inn and explore this place. Maybe someone here can point me in the direction of Nashkel.
Day 4: Hour 1
The nerve of these people! No sooner had I made my way into the Feldepost Inn than some ugly gentleman started to accuse me of killing his son! I had half a nerve to "suggest" he find the nearest cliff and jump off! But with so many people around I bit my tongue and was able to snuff out why he was angry. Now can I get some peace and quiet now without being bombarded by morons!?
Day 5: Hour 10
By the gods, why do I bother. I should never have woken up this morning. Upon exploring the town of Beregost I stumbled into a back alleyway where a female half-elf was waiting. She was in some sort of distress and before I could utter a word of disagreement, we were set upon by people known as red wizards. They wanted to study her, and despite my objections of not knowing her I was thrust into battle. Using my sharp words I was able to convice both the guards to fall asleep and then I focus my remaining power on the wizard. Seeing his men fall before him, he took off running like a coward! Returning to the fallen men, still slumbering from my spell, I swifty put an end to their lives. Afterwards the Half- Elf, who introduced herself as Neera, wanted to join my party, and while I won't say she wasn't bad looking, she was still too lowly for me. However, I "convinced" her to hand over the gem bag and the robes in her possession before sending her on her way. Now to go recoup the lost energy I expended on this unexpected battle and make haste to Nashkel.
(For whatever reason, the game log never said the main wizard moral broke, but he kept running away from me in the fight. Hence why he's in a different location)
Day 6: Hour 10
Interesting news amongst my eavesdropping this morning. Eastern side of town lies a wizard in a place called High Hedge. Maybe he'll have more magic for me to add to my spell book. I'll have to make a detour before heading down to Nashkel.
Day 6: Hour 16
Success! This mage had several scrolls of value! While I don't yet have the tongue nor magical capabilities to cast them, I'll make my way back to Beregost and hole up in an inn until I transcribe them into my spell book before continuing southward to Nashkel.
Day 7: Hour 8
Onwards to Nashkel. Finally, no more distractions, no more useless folks trying to pull me into their issues.
Day 7: Hour 8
Accidentally stumbled upon two Ogrillons on this path arguing over a recently deceased body, who I assumed they killed. No mater, one sleep spell later and I killed them where they stood.
Day 7: Hour 8
Ugh. I ache. I was stopped by 3 soldiers of the flaming fist. I was unable to convince them I wasn't a bandit, so I did the next best thing. I used my charm magic to turn one of them into an ally, However this wasn't without repercussions. One of them was able to get a hit in with the flat of his blade. My ribs burn but I was able to finish my spell. And then put the other two to sleep. With my charm spell wearing off, the realization that the one flaming fist had killed his two allys, I quickly readied another sleep spell and finished him off.
Day 11: Hour 6
I stopped and rested for the night, made a small camp on the side of the road, recovery took longer than I thought, I'll have to stock up on some potions and scrolls if I'm to survive for longer.
Day 11: Hour 15
Finally made it to Nashkel. For the importance of Khalid and Jaheria I thought it be more.... Extravagant... It's a rundown. After being confronted by another guard, I was directed to a nearby inn. Time to rest for the evening before heading out towards this mine.
Day 11: Hour 15
Another assassin. Rifling through her belongings I found another wanted posted. Much like the one outside Friendly Arm Inn, it seems my bounty is up to 680 gold. I suspect this means more will come after me. Sadly this assassin seemed resistant to my charm spells. But that begs the questions, who is after me? Was it someone who wanted my gifts for their own? Was it someone I wronged at Candlekeep? Nonetheless I shall get to the bottom of this one way or another. I will find out tomorrow, this fight has left me physically and mentally drained.
*This was a tough fight. I Don't know if the assassins are higher level, making sleep have no effect, so I had to kite her around the inn and take shots where I could. Thank goodness the BGEE AI isn't all that bright, so it was more just a game of ring around the rosies*
Day 13: Hour 1
Ugh why does morning come so quickly. The memories of last night come flooding back into my head in an instant. It was a long fight, none of my magic worked against her and she seemed to be resistant against my sleep magic. Not dwelling upon my failures, I will pack up my things and find whomever is in charge around here. However it looks like I don't have to go too far, for upon leaving the inn I was stopped by the mayor and told to go investigate the mine nearby, whether or not that is my next clue we shall see. If he is wrong, and I'm being sent on a fools errand, he will find himself in the nearest bear cave naked.
Day 13: Hour 6
Made it to the mine, talking to miners they say there are demons haunting this place. Bah. Fools and cowards the lot of them.
Nothing but Kolbolds for miles. Unfortuntely charming these things yields not results. They're too dumb to tell me what I want to know, and they're took weak to effectivly turn on each other. I have no other option but to just keep treking downwards, I may need to rest soon, too many arrows in one self is bound to short your lifespan in some regard.
Day 17: Hour 23
Taking a few days to rest up with the other miners and soliders before adventuring to the next level of this mine. I was able to glean some information from these people. Appearently these troubles have been cropping up the last few months, however Kolbolds rarely work without some sort of higher intelligence to back them. Hmm, maybe there is a demon here. Would make sense, these people have dug deeply. If it is a demon, maybe I can use my enchantment magic to strike a deal...
Day 17: Hour 23
Curse this place. If the constant barage of Kolbolds weren't enough, someone left traps for me to stumble over. Barely made it over this bridge with my life. I must be more careful next time.
Day 23: Hour 8
After trudging through more Kolbolds than I care to admit and stumbling over more traps, I have found a giant cave inside this mine. Dispatching the few Kolbolds stationed outside, I will rest up before going in. I think whomever is in there will be the key to not only this iron crisis, but this horde of Kolbolds as well.
Day 24: Hour 8
I wasn't expecting to rest so soon, I should've realized whomever is in this cavern would have kolbold guards inside as well. Took a beating, but I was able to make them turn on each other with a simple spell and put them to sleep once it wore off. I'm holed up in a small side cavern. I don't think whomever is in the main cavern has noticed me. I will take this time to prepare my spell book and attempt to catch them off guard.
Day 26: Hour 18
Upon entering the main cavern, I saw a half-orc standing infront a chest muttering to himself. I caught his name. Mulahey, I attempted to cast my sleep spell from a distance but it seemed to have no effect, not wanting to have a direct confrontation I decided to back away for now. Trying to figure out my next course of action I think I'll pay the wizard in High Hedge a visit, maybe he'd have something I could use.
Upon my arrival to High Hedge, I found what I needed. 3 potions of explosions, and 1 wand of fear. Freshly armed I headed back to the cavern.
Day 26: Hour 21
It is done! Mulahey lays dead at my feet! After getting back into the cavern he must've noticed something was up once the first potion exploded in his face. However I was not prepeared for such an army of reserves to arrive at his beck and call. I scrambled my way back in the secondary cavern and threw another potion of explosions, luckily for me I was just out of reach of it. Kolbolds and Skeleton bones alike flew everywhere! Mulahey, not expecting his army of minions to falter so quickly, ran back to his chest where I lobbed another potion at him before he could complete whatever spell he was trying to cast. To my luck this must have rattled the Half-Orc and sent him scrambling away, the man was fast, but not fast enough to avoid my hail of bullets.
Upon his body I found a few notes of interest. It seems he's working for a man named Tazok. Is this the man who has a bounty on my head? The chest contained a treasure trove of scolls and potions! One scroll of sleep and one of charm will help me conserve my personal magical energy! Hopefully the items, both on Mulahey and his chest will prove to be valuble once I can have a cleric identify them.
that said, I cannot wait to hit level 4 and start to rely on Hold Person since I think Sleep is nearing the end point soon. This playthrough, much like Genryu's, has shown me a new side of Baldur's Gate I didn't see before. I'm using potions now, using wands more often, and seeing how important spells I've never use are. Charm person is a spell I thought was always useless, but it's surprisingly fun to charm an NPC and help turn the tide of battle, or if they're a wizard have them blow their spell load on themselves or the enemy. While I don't think a solo playthrough of the saga is possible since enchanter spells only go up to 5, I'd like to think the first game is. However, in regular playthoughs I like to do both Werewolf Island AND Durlags Tower, without a thief or effective combat spells I think I may have to skip them, or do them off screen and just summarize them both.
Took me long enough to get out of that blasted mine. There seemed to be a back entrance and it took forever to scale it, unfortunately it seems I cannot go back the way i came. It'll be a longer trek to Nashkel now.
Day 27: Hour 27
Blast my luck. No sooner had I escape from that wreched mine than I was set upon by a small group of warriors hailing themselves from a group called The Iron Throne. Preparing for battle I quickly used my new wand of fear and casted it at their party, while only three were effected I then unleashed my sleep spell rending the 4th unconscious. With the other running around I quickly assaulted the 4th, after she was killed I hastely searched her body to find some enchanted armor, darts, and two potions. One of magic blocking and one lesser fire ball.
Pursuing after the remaining assalints, I was able to catch the one who called herself Lamalha in the blast of the fire potion, then nail her with my sling. She then broke free of the wands effect and started to utter the words to a spell, I chugged the magic potion I had lifted earlier and saw her face turn into disbelief as her spell bounced harmlessly off. She turned to pursue me, and I was able to catch her between the eyes but not before she got a swift blow in.
Sneaking up on the 3rd assalints, I cast another sleep spell from behind. She succumbed the effects, but not before her friend came around. Another cast of my fear wand sent her running. Exhausted and magically drained, I decided to leave the 4th person to their fate. May her dead comrades be a warning to never cross me again.
Before I left, I checked over the last two bodies for treasure, and to my surprise they had some potions and armor. The two potions will prove valuable later on. A potion of power and Stone Form. The latter had some minor armor and arrow, surely enough to cover the costs to be identified. But before I could truly leave a man by the name of Hentold stopped me, bellowing nonsense about something or someone driving him mad over what he stole. Before I could get a worse in edgewise he thrusts a dagger into my hand and runs off. This dagger feels enchanted in some way, I should have a cleric examine it.
Day 28: Hour 4
Returning to the mayor I was informed I should travel to Beregost to have this vial I picked off a kolbold examined.
I stopped inside the local church and found out several of the items I picked off my earlier assilants are highly valuable!
I'll head back to the inn to rest up before going to Beregost. It seems a man named Tranzig is there. Is this the man whose been sending would be assassin's at me? I think I'd remember a name like that if he was.
Day 28: Hour 4
Would these assassin's please stop. It seems not matter what I say these people will not stop until they have my head, whats more is my once swaying words no longer hold dominion outside the walls of Candlekeep. Maybe thats why this person keeps sending assassin's after me. Lucky for me my magic is more than suited for words.
Day 28: Hour 15
Unable to sleep for too long, probably due to the recent skirmish with this assassin known as Nimbul. I had his items of his body identify. He has some enchanted boots which will now help me avoid Archer arrows better now.
Day 29: Hour 3
Back at Beregost, when I confronted the man known as Tranzig I was able to charm him, but after some questioning he unfortunately didn't know anything about the assassins after me. When I turned to leave I must've lasped in concentration and he turned to attack me, using my trusty wand of fear I was able to pelt him down. Upon his body was a detailed note from this Tazok fellow. It seems I must make haste to Pendale. Hopefully this is where that Tazok fellow lies and the root of all this.
I decided that before I head out in search of Tazok, I would upgrade my arsenal. I decided to pay yet another visit to the mage in High Hedge and get some more bullets for my sling. I took a deep breath and used my oldest spell in my book, friends, low and behold the old man fell for it! Suddenly he reduced his prices by quite a bit! I made out like a bandit!
I bought out his entire stock of +1 bullets, along with my new sling, I should be more efficent in combat.
Now to head to this Pedale bandit camp. I'm coming for you Tazok.
Day 31: Hour 2
I've made my way into the first section of Pendale Forest. Upon exploring the area I was met by a man called Raiken, I was going to attempt to charm him into giving me some information, but with his army of bandits behind him, I tried another tatic. Falling back into my old tricks, I used my charm and good looks to convince them I would rather join them rather than fight them.
Day 31: hour 15
Success! After a few hours of traveling I was able to convince them to let me join them. And that is where I saw him. A massive Ogre, towering above all that stood near him, but unlike other ogres I've met this one actually had intellegence. If I were to strike him down, I'd need the element of surprise. However, before I could formulate a plan he started to questioning me. Using my charm magic I was able to pass his tests as well. He sadly didn't stick around, and left for business elsewhere. This has given me free reign of this camp, I think I shall rest for a while and then find his tent. Maybe more clues to where his orders come from and why he was sending assassins after me.
Day 32: Hour 7
This fight took every trick in the book that I knew. I wasn't prepared to face Tazoks personal guards. Not only did they see right through my guise, but all attacked me at once.
I made a beeline for the tree line, I'm not afraid to admit for the first time in my life I ran. For once words wouldn't be able to save my life now. Britik was the first to give chase, lucky for me the Gnoll, while physically strong, his mental state wasn't. A simple sleep spell quickly allowed me to finish him off, while I darted around it seemed that Raemon followed after, his mind was harder to control, while he was able to shrug off several sleep spells it was enough of an opening to let me get a charm spell off. I then turned him on one of his own men, not only killing the random bandit, but weaking Raemon physically allowing me to finish him with my wand of magic missiles I had retrieved earlier from Tranzigs dead corpse. Taking a moment to loot their corpses, I made my way back into the tent, thankfully no other bandits were around nor gave chase. Inside I still had to deal with the mage known as Venkt and the Hobgoblin, Hakt. Realizing I was out of my charm spell, I used my cloak (Which I admit I had killed someone for, but that is neither here nor there), and charmed Venkt and turned him on the hobgobling. With the Hobgobling gone, I had Venkt use his own spells against him! Such brillance on my part! At last I can catch my breath, if I don't get new magical spells soon I may be a goner. Curses, if only my body and tongue were able to cast my Hold Person spell. Then I'd be unstoppable!
Day 33: Hour 8
Damn. Damn. Damn. DAMN
Tazok isn't behind this! Yet the mystery continues to alude me! Talking a hostage in the tent it turns out that Tazok is no more than a lacky in servce to yet another person. I swear by the 9 hells I will figure this out. Not all is lost however, upon looting Tazoks tent I found several scrolls. while worthless to me could fetch a pretty penny elsewhere. Aside from those a nice bow, albeit I cannot use, will prove worthful to some bullard. But my prized posession! a pair of gaunletts that will help me not only aim better, but put more force behind each throw!
Until then I must make haste to the cloakwood forest, for it seems there is where I may find Tazok. He pray he better not be for I'll make him wish he had never crossed me!
Enemies level 5 or higher are completely immune to sleep (as per the spell description), so although its nasty saving throwing penalty makes it an absolute nightmare for lower-level foes, the spell does eventually begin to outlive its usefulness. When an enemy is flat out immune to a spell, the game engine does not require that creature to make a save, hence the behavior you were observing at the bandit camp.
Also, I think Hold Person is a third circle spell for mages, meaning you would only gain access at level 5, so Aziraal might need to stick it out one more level before he can start spamming it.
This was a harrowing journey. Between trudging through endless woods, I also had to contend with giant spiders of all kind. However, those were a cake walk compared to my next challenge that lay ahead.
You see, at least those simple creatures could be put down with a sleep spell. This next group of enemies took all the thinking I had.
You see, when I approached the compound I thought it was weirdly underguared, after holding both guards at the gate and silently stabbing them with my dagger, I was surprised to find a small 4-man band of soliders waiting for me. Before I could get a spell out, the one who identified himself as Drasus charged me before I could blink, I tossed my cape towards him and was able to get him under my cloaks charm spell. I then set him upon his allies!
With Drasus "Help" we lured one of his men to the bridge, and with a successful hold person spell, we quickly beat him down.
We then waited for the defensive measures his two mage allies had constructed themselves befor charging in, you should've seen the carnage! However this left me with a problem, with only myself and Drasus remaining, and I know I was no match for his natural athletic talents, however, I knew what I had to do.
I made Drasus drop his weapon, and face me. I then casted my emergency spell of enfeeblement on him. Now all I had to do was weather the blows. And he packs a punch, with my spell and his unknown use of his fists, I was able to keep up. Finally I emerged victorious, and I believe this magic boots he was carrying are what gave him his unnatrual speed, they'll serve me now much better in life than he had in death.
day 44: Hour 13
After making the long trek back to the Friendly Arm, these boots are exactly what I though they were. I am now more agile which will help me get more of my spells off and avoid arrows quicker. I must make my way back to the mine, and through those foresaken forests. Lets hope what I find inside succumbs quicker than the 4 men I just faced.
Day 48: Hour 13
After making some quick stops to load up on provisions, I again made my way to High Hidge. Loading up on the wizards stock of anti-magic potions, health potions, and a wand of sleep. Figuring if the enemies can't resist my natural sleep spell, I doubt they can with the wand. I also picked up some elemental bullets, 80 of each type he sold should I come across any enemies weak against them. Now to find the leader of this mining facility and figure out what he knows!
Day 50: Hour 15
Exploring the surronding buildings for a clue to who ran this place, I found a guard hiding in a shed. Using my charm person spell I was able to glean some useful information from him. Someone called Davaeorn runs this place on the 4th floor of the facility.
Day 53: Hour 20
That battle wasn't as tough as I thought it was, mainly with the help of my new boots from my previous encounter. What I wasn't expecting were two battle horrors to flank this man. Davaeorn, a powerful mage, but he hasn't met me. Using the element of surprise, I was able to fire off a quick charm person spell, amongst the confusion he fell to it. Now with my new ally I sprung him upon the battle horrors! Not only depleating his personal supply of magic, but weakening him as well. It was almost too good! Together we struck down his guards, and when my spell wore off it was only a matter of jabbing my dagger between his ribs. He had a few minor, alebit worthless scrolls on him, but his robes seem to radiate such immense power. I must take these to a cleric immeditely!
Day 55: Hour 15
Just as I thought! The robes I got off of Davaeorn dead body were indeed powerful. Truely the best for an enchanter for me, now I look better for capivating people.
Reading the notes upon Davaeorn body, I found I must head to Baldur's Gate. It seems a man by the name of Sarevok is there, and I wonder who he is. It seems Tazok was an underling of his, so could this be the man I need?
Day 56: Hour 2
Anhkegs. Nasty bugs. On my way to the gates of Baldur's Gate I happened by a large hole in the ground, I prepared myself and headed down. I was not ready for the hordes of insects that awaited. They errupted from the ground like a volcano of furry. I quickly ran past them and in my haste a glimmer of light caught my eye. I found a treasure trove! Pushing aside the dead body that laiden the loot, I found several items of interest. A new scroll I can use called Dire Charm! some heavy chainmail, an interesting looking wand, and several gold pieces! I quickly snatched up the loot and barrelled by the surroudning insects and made my way back to the light.
Day 57: Hour 2
Finally. Civilzation. Upon reaching the gates I was stopped by yes another flaming fist member, and told to wait for a man to meet me. Upon being question I told him of what I had uncovered so far, greatful he tasked me with a job to seek out the Seven Suns (am I everyones lacky other than my own?!). I accepted since it seems it was more of a demand with death as payment rather than a request.
Upon exploring this portion of the city I found a store called Sorcerous Sundries. Finally! A proper magic store other than High Hedge! I had the items I found in the Anhkeg den identified, and to my surprise the wand I found was a wand of fireball! Finally I have a bit of fire power behind me should situations where my trusty sleep spell fail me!
But even more than that, he had several scrolls of great power! Some I can use right away, others I must wait and grow in power for.
I must rest now, I suppose tomorrow I'll finish exploring the rest of the city before divulging this Flaming Fist indiuvial with his quest.
Haha, yep! Took me a while to grind that level, I had to make a small detour and do Melincamp Chicken quest. But I'm level 6 now, almost 7 so I'm getting up there.
I found out that unique dialog when I charmed a guard, as mentioned in the post, in the mining compound. It's been quite the adventure. I think if I didn't have that cloak from Feldpost Inn, I'd be having a tougher time.
I've played this game so much I can pretty much breeze by portions of it, and since enemies are still weak to sleep it's been a quick progression. However, I wish I had gone darts instead of slings is my only regret so far.
Finally finished up exploring the city, this place is huge. Other than that, I took a few days to myself. Never have I had such luxiuros sleeping arragnements. This beats the caves, bandit hideouts, and spider ridden forests I've gotten use to. Other than that I've empty my well earn coins on new potions, spells, and wands.
Today I make my way to the Seven Suns compound and figure out who this Iron Throne group is, and who is still behind all this.
Day 69: Hour 3
Bah. The whole building was infested with dopplegangers! No bother for me, my powers are increasing now. It seems this whole adventure has strenghten me somewhat for I'm now able to twists creatures emotions now along with cause mass confusion! My new powers over the simple minded have grown since leaving Candlekeep.
Upon exploring the basement of the building I met a man named Jhasso, a friend of Scar, I let him go about his business. When I reported back to Scar he was relieved and worried about the situation and sent me on my way with yet another quest. It seems people are disapearing off the streets and he wants me to trudge through the forsaken sewer system to find out why.
It will have to wait, for upon a stay at an inn to learn my new spells I overheard of a mage nearby that holds a powerful tome in his tower. I must find if I can "borrow" this tome and gain it's knowledge for myself.
Day 70: Hour 13
Blast this town. Why do I trust wizards. The rumors were true, there is a powerful tome in this city, but it was guarded by an even more powerful wizard. I headed across the city to this tower and ran into a wizard name Ramazith. It was his tower that contained this tome, he however had a quest for me before I could go inside. I must find this other wizard who had nymph held captive. A nymph, a creature whose own enchantment magic rivals my own.
Before I headed out, I decided to sneak upstairs and grab this tome before he noticed. But I should've known he'd have procautions above. Floors upon floors of enemies. I brushed past all of them making my way as quickly as possible to the top of the library. There, I saw it. Stashed away on a shelf emmenanting magical energy. As soon as I grabbed it, the rest of the creatures below had made their way up. With no other options I let loose a blast of fire from my wand quickly cutting down their numbers.
I bolted back downstairs, and still angry at the ordeal, I let loose another ball of fire and struck Ramazith where he stood. However, that must've alerted the monsters above and they gave chase to the outside. I now must be careful around this portion of town for their surely on the lookout of whomever killed their master.
Day 70: Hour 13
I knew that venture was worth the hassel. The tome proved to be exactly what I thought it was, taking a few hours of my day I studied it and upon finishing I felt myself improve! I can now cast more spells then before. What is more is the items off the body of Ramazith. His lovely, well he had a lovely necklace that is mine now. It's power allows me to cast one additonal secondary tier spell from it, his lovely ring provides me more protection against enemies. Now that I've stopped by the magic store and stocked up on some more anti-magic potions, health potions, and picked up a lovely wand of monster summoning, I feel more equiped to go into the sewers below.
Hmmm. Seems the cause of these people going missing was rogue Ogre Mage. Well all Ogres are the same, strong in size, weak in the brain. I turned him on his bugs, I made him feel all the pain he caused and I loved it. For the first time since leaving Candlekeep my control over the minds of others have grown, this ogre will be the first of many to feel my wrath.
Day 71: Hour 10
Upon returning to the Flaming Fist compound I was told by Scar to meet with Duke Eltan. My task? Go investigate the Iron Throne. Finally. Finally I would get answers. I will figure out who was behind the assassination attempts, who this Sarevok is, and who killed Gorion. I'm hoping they won't tell, because I'm looking forward to ripping their minds apart.
Day 71: Hour 10
Upon entering the Iron Throne building, I was stopped by a merchant. He was telling me about this Sarevok fellow causing troubles. I bribed the approaching guard and ascended to the 2nd floor where I was met by yet another guard. I wasn't able to stop his cries for help, but I was able to cast sleep and silent kill his men one by one. I just hope it wasn't enough noise to alert those on the floors above me. Upon the 3rd floor, yet another guard stopped me, however this time I gave him some money to look the other way. I don't want another fight this close to the top.
Upon reaching the top floor I suspected as much, there was a group of armed men waiting for me. They saw right through my words. I devised a quick plan. I booked it to the floor below hoping a few would give chase, and to my luck I head the yelling above. I quickly used my new wand of monster summoning and moved to the other side of the stairwell. No sooner had I did so than both Aasim and Diyab had followed. With them distracted by the monsters I quickly unleashed my hold person spell and they were soon disposed of. However, Zhalimar had given chase once he heard his men go silent, not expecting this I descended another story and caught him off guard, flinging enfeeblement,hold person, and dire charm at him. After all that he too was slain. Heading back upstairs, I knew this would be tricky. To come up from the left staircase would be certian death, so I moved up the right. I chucked several uses of my wand of fireball into the far room, causing enough chaos to summon more monsters on top of them. Gardush, Alai, and Naaman were overwhelmed. I quicky casted my most powerful spell, Greater Malison, and then followed it up with confusion. That was it. No sooner had I entered I was done. Spent most of my spells doing so.
Upon searching the bodies I found a note from this man Sarevok again, he had sent this most recent group of men against me. Was it finally revealed? Was Sarevok the man behind all of this?
The next letter shook me to my core, for it seems whomever Sarevok was in contact with had made their way back to Candlekeep. I made haste back to Duke Elton who was just as concerned. He gave me a special book and I was finally back on my way to Candlekeep.
Lets hope I'm not too late.
I found them! The leaders of the Iron Throne. Stashed away in my castle home. I set upon them in a hurry.
Using my cloak, I charmed one of the fighters and set him upon his brethren. Then using my dire charm had another mistake another for an enemy. Then I used hold person on another. The mage was tricky for he vanished the minute things turned south. But I waited, however in my bloodlust I was blinded. The mage casted lightning bolt, tearing everyone asunder. I barely had time to leap out of the way and I was caught on the side by the passing bolt. The mage ended up killing himself, better that than him.
But it seems I was set up, for no sooner had I wiped the blood from my cloaks that the guards of Candlekeep set upon me. They didn't listen to my pleads, and with so much of my spells gone from the previous battle I so much as couldn't enthrall one of them for it fell on deaf ears.
But the biggest piece of news is the note Gorion left me. For my father was none other than the lord of murder, Bhaal. I wonder if this was all a test. My natural born power of the tongue, my ability to weave into a persons mind and make them a mindless thrall... Is this the new age of murder? Has the barbarian of the sword been replaced with the scholar who can whisper into the kings ear? Whatever the case is, Sarevok is behind all this, Gorions note confirmed this. IT seems he wants to be the new lord of murder, however I have other plans. For now I must escape these catacombs below Candlekeep.
Day 75: Hour 8
What an ordeal, I never knew the catacombs below Candlekeep were so heavily guarded, and well trapped. I wish I had a thief with me to open some of these heavy tombs, to wonder at what treasures I had to leave behind,
Upon leaving the catacombs, I was met with more dopplegangers all taking upon faces of my past friends, no matter. They fall just the same, clawing and tear at each other until I kill the weaker ones.
The worse of all was the last assassination attempt by Sarevok. More heavily armed mercenaries waiting to take my head, this time I was ready. I summoned a wave of monsters from my wand and as they were all distracted unleased hell upon their minds. Greater Malison into Hopelessness. They were soon on the ground crying and begging for mercy. There is no mercy here, not when I have a vendetta against their master.
Day 77: Hour 10
It seems there is a bounty upon my head and every guard in Baldur's Gate is after me. No matter, my previous experience with the sewer has given me more reach then they know. However I was caught and taken to the Flaming Fist compound where I learned Scar and Duke Eltan are killed or MIA. It seems Sarevok has quicked his plans for complete control, but he has yet to put me into the ground and that is his undoing.
Day 78: Hour 8
After freeing Elton from his doppleganger healer, I learned that there are two assassins in a club below the city planning another assassination, leaving the duke there I made haste. Bah, if Sarevok wants me dead he should try it himself. I'll make my way to an inn before I go down and rest up before heading down, I will not be denied entrance into the castle.
As the man named Sylth charged at me, I again summoned monsters to asorb his blows. Then unleashed my favorite combo of spells. greater malison and this time hold person. I watched the fear in his eye slowly go out as he realized he had been had, as my monsters and my dagger pierced his armor. As for his female companion, it was almost too easy. She thought herself invincable, first using cloudkill to kill my remaining monsters, and putting up magical defensives, however hiding around a corner and holding my breath seemed to work just as well. For she just stood there daring me to come out. I won that battle and the lady choked on her own spell.
Looting their corpes I found two invintations for the event and made haste. Getting inside was easy, what i wasn't expecting were the surprise dopplegangers that awaited. But more than that, I finally came face to face with Sarevok himself. A giant of a man, I thought Tazok was towering but he's a gnome compared to him. We both made uneasy eye contact. We knew one of us would die in the future, who it was was still to be determined.
Once Sarevok was found out his surprise dopplegangers revealed themselves, with quick thinking using malison and sleep we quickly put them down, however the mage, Liia Janath, didn't make it. However it was enough evidence to convict Sarevok and that coward ran.
I was transported to the thieves guild to give chase. I will need time to rest up and preare. This won't be easy. But I won't be denyed my birthright.
Blast this maze, laden with traps and more monsters. No worries, I have no time to fight them. With my boots I brushed by all that tried to stop me.
Day 81: Hour 6
It seems I'm not the only one looking to hunt down Sarevok. It seems there is a small army here to kill him to. They think me one of his men, they'd be half right. I threw up a summons from my wand, and then used my tried and true method of Malison and this time Chaos. Oh it was glorious, watching them all turn on each other.
If my father could see me now, he'd be proud...
Day 82: Hour 8
Hmm. One of Sarevoks consorts stopped me outside the temple. She tried to convince me to not slay her beloved. Well now she can meet him death. I have no time for games nor any more delays. My quest ends here with his death.
Day 83: Hour 15
It is done. My half brother has fallen and I now hold the reigns to my fathers legacy.
No sooner had I barged down into the forgotten temple of Bhaal, Sarevok stood there with his remaining faithful. This proved to be the hardest fight of my life. They coated themselves in anti-magic shields, and bolster their strenghts with potions.
I threw up my anti-magic scroll myself, and summoned the last of the beasts from my wand. With them focused I snuck up behind Tazok, and in the confusion charmed him with my cloak. It felt good, the man who had first eluded me was now set upon his allies. He carved up the field of battle, laying great deal of damage to everyone. Sadly he fell under the might of Sarevok.
As the last of my monsters fell, and Tazok soon after I had to retreat. However, their mage friend was already behind me. With my magics having no use against these men I resorted to causing as much chaos as possible. I ran all around the temple setting off all the traps I could find. Sarevok prooved to be invincible, but I could see it was wearing him down. His movent became sluggish, and his with mage ally haphazardly casting spells in an attempt to kill me, it only weakend him more.
With their master killed, the remaining two men had no choice but to recongize me as their new master.
Bolstered by my journey, and now accepting my fate as Bhaals chosen, I will start my own quest to take my fathers place as the new lord of murder...
The big thing here is that the game is highly doable with enchanter only spells since wands make up a lot of the firepower you're missing, and having disabling spells means you can just breeze through large parts of the game since barely anything resists sleep. However, that last fight since it seems only AoE spells like Fireball, Lightning Bolt, etc pierce through the fog of war, I couldn't get more than 1 spell off before the summons I had up got blown up. Plus the anti-magic shield made a lot of my spells, other than my cloak ability useless.
Sadly I don't think I can solo any other part of SoD or BG2 due to spell scaling, I'm sure I could cheese it with just charm person, but that is a stretch.
Going back to my initial post, the enchanter really was as tricky as I thought since, as mention, my spells don't pierce fog of war so I'd have to creep forward and preempitivly cast a spell before darting away.
I could see other class kits being easier or harder, like abjuration/illusion you can become a walking fortress or invoker and being a machine gun, to even conjuration and summoning hordes of meat shields to the other ones in between.
Couple of things I'd do differently.
1. Higher strengh score. This was a pain, only 70lb carrying capacity really limited how much I could haul
2. Take darts instead of slings. I would always have barely enough time to kill everyone under the effect of sleep before they woke back up.
Thanks to everyone reading this, and those who will in the future! This was a lot of fun, and I hope you had some as well!
It would have been amazing to see Aziraal Silvertongue's journey toward godhood continue, but I totally understand that the practical challenges of completing a solo run of SoD or BG2 would be formidable. I agree that, in the end, continuing solo probably woudn't be worth the grief. If I were really in love with the character, though, I might fish for some RP explanation to allow Aziraal to start picking up slaves *ahem* indentured servants *ahem* loyal companions.
But then again, I have heard rumors of someone beating the entire saga with a level 1 bard, so I suppose anything is possible.
Anyway, congrats again. If you decide to keep on posting more RP playthroughs, I will keep on reading
Thanks man. Means a lot! I've played BG1 so much I can breeze through it in about a day or so.
The way I went about this game was
1. Sleep
2. Charm whomever didn't become effected
3. Hold Person the remaining guy
If sleep didn't work, Hold Person just had too long a casting time to be effective. That and it has such a small range I was hard pressed to get more than 1-2 people with it. I had to abuse Charm for a lot of the fights. What I wish I had was hold monster. It may be the next important scroll I find.
The one thing I'm debating is going through SoD. On one had it's easy xp to make BG2 more tolerable, on the other I can skip it completely. I hit the XP cap in BG1, which is something that I didn't realized happen so hitting BG2 or even SoD at cap level will give me a headstart.
And you're right, I probably could cheat the system and "convince" people to join me, but I'd have to make a new set of rules for it. Which I'm not entirely sure what they'd be.
So I'm on the 2nd floor of the prologe of Siege of Dragonspear, just killing the Magma Mephits that pop up. While Sleep works on a lot of lesser things, such as the guards and tiny beetles it doesn't on the numerous undead or higher HD monsters.
The spells I do have that work are just chaos and confusion. So I think a run is doable, and while I won't do a SoD playthrough, if I have time I'll try for a BG2 run through once SoD is done. Emotion: Hopelessness is a fantastic spell, while I can only fit on into one of my three level 4 spell slots, it gives me that anti-fear buff which goes a long way.
But the good news is there doesn't seem to be cap on how many people I can have charmed at once, so I may have to start RPing more into the enchanter aspect and just charming any poor soul in combat.
I'm starting a new job soon, so that BG2 attempt run may be on the back burner for a while.
For those interested my spellbook looks like this
Level 1: Sleep, Charm Person, Friends
Level 1 Spell Memorized: 5 Charm Person, 5 Sleep
Level 2: Luck, Ray of Enfeeblement
Level 2 Spell Memorized: 2 Luck, 3 Ray of Enfeeblement
Level 3: Dire Charm, Hold Person
Level 3 Spell Memorized: 2 Dire Charm, 2 Hold Person
Level 4: Confusion, Emotion: Hopelessness, Greater Malison
Level 4 Spell Memorized: 1 Confusion, 1 Emotion Hopelessness, 1 Greater Malison
Level 5: Chaos, Feeblemind
Level 5 Spell Memorized: 1 Chaos, 1 Feeblemind
Update #2:
As of this post I decided to skip SoD. Getting 1-2 levels isn't worth it for me since I don't get any new spells past level 5 in my spellbook.
Still thinking of what rules I can use for this BG2 run through.