Main Campain help - penisula is cruel
I have played with bard level 3 no henchmen and now I'm playing with bard/druid+ Linu
I must say penisula district is hard. Is there any point of doing beggar nest first then return to penisula?
I must say penisula district is hard. Is there any point of doing beggar nest first then return to penisula?
Use the commands "Hold Your Ground" and "Follow", to keep your henchperson and/or any summons or familiars from running off and aggroing the whole peninsula district all at once. When you've pulled a few prisoners, click on "Attack Nearest" or "Guard Me". As soon as that group is dead, click "Hold Your Ground" again and heal everybody before they run off and pull a huge mob.
If you keep repeating that procedure, you can control at least somewhat how many prisoners you're fighting at a time.
You can get the guards at the entrance ramp to help if you click "Follow" and run your party back down the ramp. The prisoners will follow you, and the guards will help you attack them.
Don't let your health get too low before you start healing. If you play on "Normal", you can drink potions without provoking attacks of opportunity, but if you play on "Core Rules" or higher, healing kits and the Heal skill are better, because they don't provoke attacks of opportunity, while potions do. It's also easier to heal your henchperson or summons with healing kits.
Be sure you're keeping your AC as high as possible. Armor class is critically important, as every single point means a 5 percent reduction in chance to get hit.
When in doubt, buff yourself.
The BIGGEST tip I can give you, come back later. Do all the weak enemies in this district. If there's a part you can't handle, you either didn't use potions effectively or you're not strong enough. In that case, go train some. The weaker enemies are usually handled no problem. Visit the docks or beggar's nest.
Your goal should be to advance a level or so so that you get those hit points. Without spoiling anything, save yourself some potions of clarity, they stop you from getting dazed or confused.
The ORDER of the districts is, technically, this:
1) Peninsula district
2) Beggar's nest OR docks although I find the docks harder than the beggar's nest.
3) Blacklake district (rich district)