Multiplayer LAN Requirements

Excuse me Please:
as so I do not take anything for granted, what all is required for a NWN:EE Multiplayer LAN session?
* at least TWO(2) PCs networked together via switch/router
* TCP/IP protocol bound to each NIC adapter
* nwmain.exe allowed two-way comms through PC-resident Firewall
* NWN:EE directory copied from PC-a to PC-b, etc.
* Server Name/pass on PC-a
* .... what else?
as so I do not take anything for granted, what all is required for a NWN:EE Multiplayer LAN session?
* at least TWO(2) PCs networked together via switch/router
* TCP/IP protocol bound to each NIC adapter
* nwmain.exe allowed two-way comms through PC-resident Firewall
* NWN:EE directory copied from PC-a to PC-b, etc.
* Server Name/pass on PC-a
* .... what else?
so if I understand correctly:
one Unique CD key per workstation that are planned on being used,
which I guess means one must make purchase of additional/unique NWN:EE's with a separate account/email?
* one needs TWO(2) ( or more depending on workstations in LAN to run NWN:EE ) accounts,
-each with different email address (account identified by email)
* PC1 has Acct 1 Game/CD Key
* PC2 has Acct II Game/CD Key
while one may have indeed copied all %\Neverwinter Nights-EE\% files & directories over to the other PCs,
* one need to assure all PCs are launching the same version
i.e. [G:\Games\Never-EE\00785\bin\win32\nwmain.exe]
also seen in the in-game Options window in upper right-hand corner, eg. 77.8181
* the same also applies to NWServer version too, it must match the nwmain.exe version.
* also, assure the following directory has been created:
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\My Documents\Neverwinter Nights
(or make yourself)
* assure the following files are within (if not, should also be found in root of NWN:EE directory, copy)
cdkey.ini <-- should be created when in-game and selecting Multiplayer button and are prompted for CDKEY, which will have a format of:
[YOUR key found at
if you go into PC# and find NO Saved Games, NO Extra/Personal Characters, and/or are prompted in selecting your LAN Server "missing HAK files."
make sure nwn.ini has the correct PATHS listed under [Alias] (meaning exactly where on your HDD the files are located).
if these are pointing (strangely) to something like:
HD0=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Neverwinter Nights\
MODULES=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Neverwinter Nights\modules
just correct them to show correct path: e.g.
then each PC should be able to join the Module selected on NWServer, and game on!