Make a single .hak from module in toolset?

It's been a while since I worked on my PW WOTR (War of the Ring) and I'm wanting to build a single .hak file from all the assets used by the game (e.g. CEP2 among other overrides, tlks etc). Is this possible? how?
It's been a while since I worked on my PW WOTR (War of the Ring) and I'm wanting to build a single .hak file from all the assets used by the game (e.g. CEP2 among other overrides, tlks etc). Is this possible? how?
If instead you just want to combine multiple haks into one mega-hak, then I'd recommend against that as well. Even if you were able to keep the new hak down to a reasonable size, it would still be several gigs of possibly conflicting files that could easily be a nightmare to untangle. And if you updated anything, the whole package would need to be downloaded again by your players. Though far from impossible, it would be a daunting project that probably doesn't have any benefit over keeping your haks at a more manageable size.
For pw's on the other hand there is nwsync but apart from the name and a vague idea of what it is for I know nothing about it as I have no interest in pw's.
Personal comment. Why do I here this rubbish about people won't download more than 1 hak. Balderdash. If they are too lazy point them at the Neverwinter Nights Mod Installer Tool - NIT. It will do the downloading for them and only for stuff they haven't got already.
A hak is just a container for files. A text editor is often all you need to edit those files in the top hak.
The files you need to distribute include your module, the haks / tlk it specifies in the Custom Content tab, and any others it sctually uses (so, not the entire content of your hak folder).
As previously mentioned, most players will already have common haks like CEP, so you just need to explain where to find them, rather than include them in your bundle.
The Custom Content Guide on the Vauit explains this stuff and more.
Distribution may be done in an archive (7zip > RAR > zip) if you prefer, but EE can be configured to download your PW stuff to players automatically.
You should never have more than 800MB in a single hak, I don't remember the exact limit but it's not far off, if you hit the ceiling in a single hak it will break/unable to save.
Depending on the quantity of your own custom content, you should divide it into several haks, place one with edited 2das above the cep top 265 hak, and merge them via text editor, TLK2edit or something else.
Although with NWSync being a thing for the past 1½ year, I don't imagine a great many people will ever bother manually downloading haks anymore unless for building purpose.