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How to add one spell from IWDfication?

Hi everyone,
I'm preparing for my next playthrough, and for BG2 I have a list of mods I want to use (see below). However, I would really like to have one specific spell from IWDfication: Cat's Grace. Is there any way I can add only this one item to my installation? Earlier I had problems with too many mods installed, and I don't want to have 2 spell modifier mods installed. If no, what would you suggest?

My planned list is the following (in installation order):
  1. Spell Revisions
  2. Item Revisions - only MAIN component
  3. Ascension
  4. Wheels of Prophecy
  5. Rogue Rebalancing
  6. Item Revisions - additional components   
  7. SCS

Best Regards,


  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    Since you have SCS in your mod list, it itself adds in IWD spells to the game, so you don't need any other spell mods.
  • PraetorArchonitePraetorArchonite Member Posts: 9
    Ahh, I missed it...I guess because I generally skip that component and totally forgot it :) Thx!
  • PraetorArchonitePraetorArchonite Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2020
    Seems like I still have a problem :/ SCS's IWD spell installation fails at this point:
    Cancelling overwrite, SR version present
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    ERROR: error loading [override/SPWI619.spl]
    Stopping installation because of error.

    At first I thought SR and SCS are not compatible in this components, however while checking the tp2 and tpa files it's clear they ARE compatible, and that's what the Monster Summon 4 line refers to:
    // on SR installs, we're hardcoded to skip the whole MONSTER_SUMMONING/CAUSE_WOUNDS bits
            // as of v32.6, we won't skip MS7, because SR omits it
            ACTION_IF demivrgvs BEGIN
               ACTION_MATCH "%spellname%" WITH

    That means my install fails at SPWI619.spl (Wyvern Call), which I checked is NOT in the override folder. However, this code is very complex, I'm not sure it if should have copied the original SPWI619.spl to the override to modify it earlier? And somehow that step failed? Any tips?
    Post edited by PraetorArchonite on
  • PraetorArchonitePraetorArchonite Member Posts: 9
    Solved it. I was using SCS 32.7. I just saw there was a new version 2 months ago (32.8), which fixed compatibility issues with SRv4b17+
    Now the component is successfully installed
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