3D acceleration and related issues

So, I managed to have the game running on my office notebook yesterday. But the result was so flickering and slow that playing is a frustration rather than a pleasure. I suppose this is due to the Intel graphic card - it is not supposed to run this game properly.
Well, I suppose I should try the game on my home notebook, which has a Radeon graphic card. Another 1,8 Gb download to perform, unless I can manage a direct transfer from one PC to the other. Will wait...
In any case, kudos to the developers for making this happen. It took some balls to try such a challenge.
I have one question for the devs, though. It is clear that most of the issues that people experience are due to GC compatibility issues. And it is virtually impossible to test every existing configuration. However, there is one thing that I cannot understand. Why rely so much on graphic acceleration? BG fans are not fond of fancy 3D effects, and certainly the tablet versions cannot have the same kind of performance, so I doubt this was an inevitable move. Actually, I think it has caused more troubles than advantages, as people were used to running BG on their toasters (really) and now they need a full 3d accelerated card to run BGEE, or else it will not work properly. I doubt this will be the trend of the future with games that leverage compatibility with tablet platforms, which, unlike consoles, run only sprite-based games.
Well, I suppose I should try the game on my home notebook, which has a Radeon graphic card. Another 1,8 Gb download to perform, unless I can manage a direct transfer from one PC to the other. Will wait...
In any case, kudos to the developers for making this happen. It took some balls to try such a challenge.
I have one question for the devs, though. It is clear that most of the issues that people experience are due to GC compatibility issues. And it is virtually impossible to test every existing configuration. However, there is one thing that I cannot understand. Why rely so much on graphic acceleration? BG fans are not fond of fancy 3D effects, and certainly the tablet versions cannot have the same kind of performance, so I doubt this was an inevitable move. Actually, I think it has caused more troubles than advantages, as people were used to running BG on their toasters (really) and now they need a full 3d accelerated card to run BGEE, or else it will not work properly. I doubt this will be the trend of the future with games that leverage compatibility with tablet platforms, which, unlike consoles, run only sprite-based games.