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Moonsea - Stuck in Hillsfar -SPOILERS!

XorinaXorina Member Posts: 140
edited January 2021 in NWN:EE Modules

OK, my character, a lvl 17 Paladin (guess who?), has battled her way to Hillsfar, and after some tough gladiatorial bouts, finally confronted that utter Bounder, the Innovator of Pain in his tower hideout,

I discover he has a protective Gaeas, none of my weapons scratch him, even a Daystar Long-sword or +4 Great-sword.

How do I dispel the Gaeas that the mad wizard has protected him with?
Do I need to use non magic or non 'plus' weapons?

I thought, ignore him and press on to kill the wizard would do the trick, but the churl chases me around the building like a thing demented, so I cannot assassinate the grumpy malevolent wizard in peace. Bah!

What am I missing?
Post edited by Xorina on


  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    The way Geas works is that you aren't supposed to be able to attack him at all, but the easiest way for them to implement that is to just make him indestructible. That's why even your +4 Greatsword can't hurt him: its not making him tougher, you physically cannot swing at him. In other words, the plot says so.

    What you're supposed to do is run past him and find the stairs up so you can kill the wizard while both of them are assaulting you with spells and the Innovator is smacking you with his whip. When the wizard finally dies, the Geas should wear off and you can kill the Innovator.

    Considering my Arcane Archer was the opposite of a tank build, I have to say I was very annoyed with this section. Its hard to cast haste when an edgelord is whipping you constantly.
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 140
    edited April 2020
    DerpCity wrote: »
    What you're supposed to do is run past him and find the stairs up so you can kill the wizard while both of them are assaulting you with spells and the Innovator is smacking you with his whip. When the wizard finally dies, the Geas should wear off and you can kill the Innovator.
    Right. I will have another crack at them. Both at once. Am playing at hardcore rules, I killed the Wiz easily with AC of 30+, and barkskin but the edgelord is proving considerably harder. Perhaps I should engage parry and just grind the Bugger down, but I can't recall if he has regeneration, so that might take a long time. Or I could drink a barkskin potion and lower the difficulty to easy for that fight?

    If only I could cast a stun spell.

    For a now level 17 Pala, this is a surprisingly tough module!

    Post edited by Xorina on
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I was playing as a Wizard so I can't really offer much strategies for a Paladin (but if you have the Divine Might/Divine Shield feats, those should help a lot!) What I wound up doing was running up to the top floor and dropping Cloudkill, Acid Fog and Incendiary Burst spells on the wizard, then ran around (using perma-Haste) while he choked/melted/burned to death. (He has various Spell Mantles etc. up, but the 3 combined spells melted through them almost instantly.) The announcer then fell to a couple of Maximized Greater Missile Storms without much trouble. XD
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 140
    Zaxares wrote: »
    I was playing as a Wizard so ... What I wound up doing was running up to the top floor and dropping Cloudkill, Acid Fog and Incendiary Burst spells on the wizard, then ran around (using perma-Haste) while he choked/melted/burned to death
    Heh..nice one.


  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 140
    Have decided to restart the module with a higher level character. That should help the ludicrously unbalanced difficulty of this module.
  • chevalierchevalier Member Posts: 51
    While my paladin was well-stocked on Crimson Tides of Tethyr loot, I think I started at level 14 and wasn't really overpowered anyway. There were some difficult battles, but I didn't really find anything borderline non-doable, as in forcing me to do multiple reloads. I did carry a lot of potions and healing kits, though. I always made a point of having a ton of healing kits (a whole bag of holding full of them) just to avoid reloading. I played on hardcore and didn't really find the combat all that difficult. Perhaps you started with a new character and didn't get any good starting gear or sensible loot? By Hillsfar you should generally be well-stocked.

    The Innovator of pain is not supposed to be engaged directly by you at that stage. Listen to the feedback the game gives you.
    You have to go upstairs and kill the guy who imposed the geas. That and probably nothing else will make the Innovator vulnerable.

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