NWN EE Ganon's Journal quest

Neverwinter Nights (OC)
Chapter 2:
Just want to say that when I deliver the quest item Ganon's Journal to Aribeth, the quest does not get completed.
I dont know what must happen for that to be completed, but I hope it will when I deliver the next "clue" quest.
Tom Fjellheim
Neverwinter Nights (OC)
Chapter 2:
Just want to say that when I deliver the quest item Ganon's Journal to Aribeth, the quest does not get completed.
I dont know what must happen for that to be completed, but I hope it will when I deliver the next "clue" quest.
Tom Fjellheim
because once you go to luskan you will NOT be able to leave the city and when you complete luskan chapter 3 will start
May I ask... This little brother Neva needs help, thats south forest, but am I ready to go there as level 9 Paladin? (I have Sharwyn as Companion)
in theory you should be good with any area you do, especially with a companion with you
If I remember Ganon's journal is optional and there are several journals to get but not all are required, still I do recommend you try for LVL 11 or 12 if possible before moving on.