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NWN EE Ganon's Journal quest


Neverwinter Nights (OC)

Chapter 2:

Just want to say that when I deliver the quest item Ganon's Journal to Aribeth, the quest does not get completed.
I dont know what must happen for that to be completed, but I hope it will when I deliver the next "clue" quest.


Tom Fjellheim


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    i dont 100% remember but i believe there are 4 "journal" type items in chapter 2 that you can hand in for proof of the cult, and as soon as you hand in 3 of them the quest will complete and you will be able to go off to luskan if im not mistaken
  • AronAron Member Posts: 94
    Thank you! Ill look forward to that :)))
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    also to note, just because you hand in enough evidence to go to luskan does not mean you need to go there right away, if you anything to finish up before you go you can

    because once you go to luskan you will NOT be able to leave the city and when you complete luskan chapter 3 will start
  • AronAron Member Posts: 94
    Thank you for good answers, i have only gone to North Forest so far, so i still have a lot to explore.
    May I ask... This little brother Neva needs help, thats south forest, but am I ready to go there as level 9 Paladin? (I have Sharwyn as Companion)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    im going to go with yes, i believe the order i do things if i can recall is south area first, then east ( or west dont remember ) area next and then north area last

    in theory you should be good with any area you do, especially with a companion with you
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    Chapter 2 has many extra side quests for you to find, some of which only progress under certain conditions, since your running with a companion I do recommend looking for extra XP because having a companion reduces the XP you get per kill.

    If I remember Ganon's journal is optional and there are several journals to get but not all are required, still I do recommend you try for LVL 11 or 12 if possible before moving on.
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