Dumping Minsc without Dynahier going too

Ok so I have all the NPC's hanging out at FAI where I can pick them up as needed. In the past whenever I have tried to dump Minsc, Dyna goes with him. I did choose the option to split coupled pairs, and I am currently romancing Dyna, so when I went to FAI I just removed him from the party and then didn't approach or speak to him, and Dyna has remained in the party without a problem. If I talk to him, he grabs Dyna and goes to wherever I have told him to wait.
Now that I have her alone in the party is there anything I need to worry about "breaking" in her? I plan to pick him back up later, I just wanted Ajantis along at the moment. Thanks.
Now that I have her alone in the party is there anything I need to worry about "breaking" in her? I plan to pick him back up later, I just wanted Ajantis along at the moment. Thanks.
Its and option you can choose with one of the install tools. I have it installed on an EET install, don't remember exactly which mod gives it to you. I think its Tweaks anthology or part of the SCS.
I also romanced Dynaheir on one of my previous playthroughs and I *think* I had her leave the party for a while and then picked her back up and the romance continued. So it should still work. But just to be safe, you can try this:
Depending on were you left Minsc, maybe you could just make Dynaheir wait outside of the building or send her to another room, where Minsc can't approach her, so he can't take her with him? Then pick him back up.
Or, let Dynaheir get killed. Then pick up Minsc (he won't be able to take her if she's dead). Then revive Dynaheir.