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Can I get a Knock?

Currently in Ch 3 and have explored most of the wilderness areas, where does one find a knock scroll? Anybody sell it or drop it?


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    There's a guaranteed Knock in the Cloakwood Mines.
  • JQuailmanJQuailman Member Posts: 48
    Hard times after dualing Imoen, not that she could pick locks worth a shit anyways. I can see the advantage of making your own thief MC for BG1. Mainly, to never have to worry about a damn knock spell.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    edited April 2020
    You want lockpicking in a good party? Coran's your man, with a skill rating of 70 at recruitment. There isn't much need for thief skills out in the wilderness anyway, so you can afford to wait until you're ready to take on the Cloakwood sequence.
    There are locked chests in the bandit camp, but you can always come back later for them.

    Of note - you need 50 in Find Traps to spot and disarm the traps you'll find in the Cloakwood forest and mines.
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    JQuailman wrote: »
    I can see the advantage of making your own thief MC for BG1. Mainly, to never have to worry about a damn knock spell.
    Making your own thief is a great idea for the entire saga, mainly because it frees you to have the party composition you want instead of being stuck carrying one of the game's many subpar thief NPCs. I'd personally go with FMT which is arguably the game's most versatile MC, combining the near-invincibility of a fighter/mage with the melee DPS of a fighter/thief and the impromptu backstabs of a mage/thief. Or if you only want some of those benefits than a fighter/thief (multi or dual) or an illusionist/thief would be plenty strong as well.
  • JQuailmanJQuailman Member Posts: 48
    Yeah I just got done with a BG2 custom run that included a FM and FT....didn't wanna blow the doors off through my first BG1 run.

    So all the thief NPCs in the series are sub par, why I wonder? I love Yoshimo but, yeah...

    Also, if in the Bandit Camp and realizing how many locked chests there are that you can't get to...
    Drink a strength potion, I used cloud giant, and bust em all open
  • JQuailmanJQuailman Member Posts: 48
    Found the Knock!
    The cave in the bandit camp with all the gnolls, Garclax dropped it. Maybe a random drop? I can't believe I have to waste a spell slot on opening locks but thank the gods!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    edited April 2020
    if you have the cheat console enabled the cheat command to summon a knock scroll is;


    or if you fight lots of ghouls, ghasts, flinds, gnoll chieftains or ankhegs they have a chance to drop a knock scroll or any other creature that has a RNDTRE04

    - ankhegs can be found in the area above friendly arm inn
    - ghasts can be found resting on the first basement level of durlag's tower ( although there is a 50% it might be a skelly group instead ) plus just the basement level 1 alone has 6 or so ghasts in it, also resting in high hedge can sometimes summon 1 or 2 ghasts although i think the skelly group is more common
    - flinds can sometimes be found south of the high hedge building in high hedge ( sometimes black bears or wild dogs or skellies can appear here instead ) also sometimes they can be summoned when you rest in the area that has the waterfall in it ( area south east of gnoll fortress ) plus sometimes in the basilisk area near the center of the map the random spawn there can be flinds sometimes ( other times it will be a cave bear or two i believe )
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    Subpar thief NPCs? That is entirely a matter of opinion, and one I disagree with. I've built plenty of parties that ran two or three thieves, and I've been happy with that. With multiple thieves, you can afford to specialize skills and throw powerful effects like 100% Detect Illusion around.

    A pure thief is a pretty weak class as the game goes on, granted - which is why so many of the NPCs come with some additional perk.
    Imoen can dual-class to a mage, and is already dual-classed in BG2.
    Montaron is a fighter/thief, for good combat effectiveness from the moment you recruit him.
    Coran is another fighter/thief, with illegally good archery skills and 20 Dex.
    Alora gets an amazing +2 luck from her rabbit's foot, and is a 19 Dex halfling for great skill bonuses.
    Tiax is a cleric/thief, for all sorts of unusual tricks.
    Nalia is dual-classed into mage (very early), and comes with a fantastic defensive ring.
    Jan is an illusionist/thief with several nice pieces of personal gear.
    Yoshimo is a bounty hunter - which would be a nice kit, if he spent a few levels of skill points on actually being able to use traps. He can also dual-class to fighter.
    Hexxat is a vampire, with the immunities, fantastic stats, and special abilities that come with that.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    Subpar thief NPCs? That is entirely a matter of opinion, and one I disagree with. I've built plenty of parties that ran two or three thieves, and I've been happy with that. With multiple thieves, you can afford to specialize skills and throw powerful effects like 100% Detect Illusion around.

    A pure thief is a pretty weak class as the game goes on, granted - which is why so many of the NPCs come with some additional perk.
    Imoen can dual-class to a mage, and is already dual-classed in BG2.
    Montaron is a fighter/thief, for good combat effectiveness from the moment you recruit him.
    Coran is another fighter/thief, with illegally good archery skills and 20 Dex.
    Alora gets an amazing +2 luck from her rabbit's foot, and is a 19 Dex halfling for great skill bonuses.
    Tiax is a cleric/thief, for all sorts of unusual tricks.
    Nalia is dual-classed into mage (very early), and comes with a fantastic defensive ring.
    Jan is an illusionist/thief with several nice pieces of personal gear.
    Yoshimo is a bounty hunter - which would be a nice kit, if he spent a few levels of skill points on actually being able to use traps. He can also dual-class to fighter.
    Hexxat is a vampire, with the immunities, fantastic stats, and special abilities that come with that.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    Subpar thief NPCs? That is entirely a matter of opinion, and one I disagree with. I've built plenty of parties that ran two or three thieves, and I've been happy with that. With multiple thieves, you can afford to specialize skills and throw powerful effects like 100% Detect Illusion around.

    A pure thief is a pretty weak class as the game goes on, granted - which is why so many of the NPCs come with some additional perk.
    Imoen can dual-class to a mage, and is already dual-classed in BG2.
    Montaron is a fighter/thief, for good combat effectiveness from the moment you recruit him.
    Coran is another fighter/thief, with illegally good archery skills and 20 Dex.
    Alora gets an amazing +2 luck from her rabbit's foot, and is a 19 Dex halfling for great skill bonuses.
    Tiax is a cleric/thief, for all sorts of unusual tricks.
    Nalia is dual-classed into mage (very early), and comes with a fantastic defensive ring.
    Jan is an illusionist/thief with several nice pieces of personal gear.
    Yoshimo is a bounty hunter - which would be a nice kit, if he spent a few levels of skill points on actually being able to use traps. He can also dual-class to fighter.
    Hexxat is a vampire, with the immunities, fantastic stats, and special abilities that come with that.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    edited April 2020
    jmerry wrote: »
    Subpar thief NPCs? That is entirely a matter of opinion, and one I disagree with. I've built plenty of parties that ran two or three thieves, and I've been happy with that. With multiple thieves, you can afford to specialize skills and throw powerful effects like 100% Detect Illusion around.

    A pure thief is a pretty weak class as the game goes on, granted - which is why so many of the NPCs come with some additional perk.
    Imoen can dual-class to a mage, and is already dual-classed in BG2.
    Montaron is a fighter/thief, for good combat effectiveness from the moment you recruit him.
    Coran is another fighter/thief, with illegally good archery skills and 20 Dex.
    Alora gets an amazing +2 luck from her rabbit's foot, and is a 19 Dex halfling for great skill bonuses.
    Tiax is a cleric/thief, for all sorts of unusual tricks.
    Nalia is dual-classed into mage (very early), and comes with a fantastic defensive ring.
    Jan is an illusionist/thief with several nice pieces of personal gear.
    Yoshimo is a bounty hunter - which would be a nice kit, if he spent a few levels of skill points on actually being able to use traps. He can also dual-class to fighter.
    Hexxat is a vampire, with the immunities, fantastic stats, and special abilities that come with that.

    i ran a team where i had 6 swashbucklers in BG1 once, a very interesting play through indeed
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