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I just had my computer reinstalled and the mouse doesnt work!

20884322088432 Member Posts: 229
I know how I fixed this the first time but I can't land my cursor on "options" this time is there a text file or something I can edit to change this manually? (the hardware acceleration thing)


  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,459
    The LUA file has the following string:
    SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','3D Acceleration','1')

    You could try using Notepad or similar editor to toggle that between 0 and 1.
  • strewartstrewart Member Posts: 3
    Not sure if same problem, but I often can't click part of the screen usually near character portraits when I launch the game. Keep anything else opened in the background, ALT+TAB out of the game, go back in and my mouse can access everything again.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,459
    @strewart that sounds like another program in the background is interfering. Skype for instance does that with me - it's necessary not just to minimize Skype, but also drag the small box it leaves behind after being minimized as far off the bottom of the screen as possible.
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