Choose a D&D region to be "Isekaied"

in Off-Topic
As a mid level char( lv 10 char), nor lv 1 guy that barely can hold a weapon, nor a demigod. I can't list every location. I know that a lot of options are missing and put Shadowfell and Fey world in the same place is silly but i can only list 10 options.
- Choose a D&D region to be "Isekaied"16 votes
- Sword Coast25.00%
- Frozenfar/Icewind dale25.00%
- Darklands/Underdark  0.00%
- Celestia/Helisium/Ysgard12.50%
- Hades/Abyss/Hell  0.00%
- Athas(Dark Sun)  6.25%
- Any elemental plane  6.25%
- Shadowfell/Fey world  0.00%
- Far realm  0.00%
- Other(please comment)25.00%
None of the D&D settings really do it for me. But let's see... As a whole Eberron gets my vote for the steampunk-ish high fantasy flair. Not as interesting as either Starfinder or Pathfinder, mind you. But I would choose that setting over things like the Forgotten Realms any day of the week. That, and Dark Sun's planet is waaay too hot for my wintery taste.
I'd probably call it getting John Cartered or even Connecticut Yankeed.
NOt exactly hit by a truck... Can be any way of being isekaied
As ive' said "As a mid level char( lv 10 char)"
So you get tier 5 spells(sorcerer) or big hit points(barb)
But is it what the character would like or what you think is cool as the player running the character?
Some of those, like an elemental plane, Hells or even Athas could pretty much result in near immediate death without proper protections. Like if you're a warrior and get dumped into the fire plane, you're kind of screwed. Even a 10th level Cleric or Wizard wouldn't last for very long there. A world like Dark Sun, where there are tons of people with what the character would think of as superhuman attributes and psionics would probably be boned.
If you're talking about what the character would like, it would probably the safest out of all those environments, which I guess would probably be the Sword Coast or Celestial realms. The Celestial realms are probably boring, though, but you could probably get help to get home most easily there.
The celestial realms would probably expel you if you are not of his alignment. As for the elemental planes, a lv 10 adventures CAN live in city of embers. Or on city of thousand pearls. Mainly if the guy is a caster or a warlock. A warlock with a water elemental patron gain water breathing. I limited to lv 10 because sorcerers with their pocket dimension and other spells would allow then to easily travel to other realms...
Sure, some very specialized characters can survive in some of the specific environments or maybe in a very small area of the plane, but most of the plane of fire is going to kill them. More HPs just means you burn longer before you die. Nothing about the Hells seems like something anybody would choose to go to. Again, like you say, maybe a warlock with the right patron, but the vast majority of characters probably couldn't hack it even at level 10.
Yep. But i an assuming that you can be anything that you want. You are becoming a lv 10 char that can be anything, as a player, you are becoming your character and living in other world. No limitation except lv 10. From a CE dread necromancer on 3.5e to a 5e LG paladin. A 5e warlock with lurker patron can easily survive on Plane of Water. A 3.5e warlock can use fly at will(invocation) and teleport at will, so he can survive even in the plane of air. Sorcerers
I limited to lv 10 because pocket planes, wings for draconic sorcerers, lich template for dread necromancers and other high level abilities can make even surviving in Pandemonium possible.
edit : You don't need to be a human either.
OK, I think I get what you're saying, you yourself are reincarnated into a character in the setting? Not some character from one of the the other settings. I'd still go for somewhere relatively safe like The Sword Coast or Celestia. Getting dumped into Hell, Athas or Ravenloft would not be pleasant. Athas to me is by far the most awesome of those settings, but I hate hot weather and it's a world where even the spiders in your crappy apartment could have psionic powers.
I hate hot weather too. Celestia/Helisium/Ysgard can kick me out(not sure if i would be accepted), Sword Coast has too much dumb hierarchy, lords, kings, Frozenfar is probably the place where i would have most freedom and no hot weather. NO dumb bureaucrats trying to regulate my use of magic and no hot weather. That is perfect. When a guy tried to force a union upon frozenfar, all clans put their differences aside to kill the tyrant. For those who din't played IWD, that is the premise.
I would be able to do whatever i want, as longs i an not prejudicing anyone, if i wanna have undead servants or constructs to hunt and do agrarian work while i sell this and spend all day practicing with my magic, no zealot lawful good paladin will try to be in my way. And the worst thing that can happen is my death. On Sword Coast, you can become a Slave of Thay. Any noble that doesn't like you can make your life a living hell.
On elemental planes too. Become a Efreet or a Dao's slave would be far worst than die.
Would you try to kill the Vampire Lord or serve him?
Wow, I could totally see myself being that character now that I think about it!
The Heroic Domains of Ysgard await you.
Correct me if i an wrong, but you can leave, right?
Anyway, i would be in that match until i become strong enough
Well, assuming you were still alive, yes, you'd be free to leave the Celestial planes whenever you wish. If you were a petitioner or an outsider though, I believe you cannot leave your Outer Plane unless you are summoned to another plane or you travel through a pre-existing gate (which are usually carefully guarded).
In any case, for petitioners, their Outer Plane is usually their precise idea of paradise (or rather, how they think the world SHOULD be run) and they usually do not WANT to leave.
Do you know thta you have like 80% chances of end up as a slave? A lv 10 guy is weak for Dark Sun standards.
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands starts your party out as level 1 slaves. Isn't it the DM's job to balance the fights for the party (still a chance to fail of course) and provide interesting ways out of sticky situations? If you don't think it's a good idea, why wasn't something else there in the poll?
Mmm... I dunno... For settings like Dark Sun or Ravenloft, I think part of the tone should be to emphasize the danger, brutality and despair of living in such harsh worlds. As such, I think the DM's attitude towards encounter design for these settings should move away from "the players will have a fair chance to win" to "the players will have a fair chance to survive".
Last time i checked, Frozenfar is not a place where you have a centralized government imposing high taxes, diversity hiring, spell control and other things in a entire region. Quite the contrary. There is a lot of tribal and city states with complete autonomy and almost ZERO centralized control. The city states and tribes only unify themselves to defeat a external threat.
First, this is pedantically incorrect - you start with enough experience to be level 3 as a single-classed whatever. Which, since this Dark Sun, isn't all that much of a difference (Dark Sun rules starts you with that much experience anyway).
Second, Level 9 across the board is still comparatively weak - that's only one 5th circle preserver spell per day, and you fight a literal army at the end of the game (Sarevok's Companions at the end of BG1 are downright tame in comparison)
So...the exact opposite of why you said.