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Katana vendor...where art thou?



  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited November 2012
    You just need 60 open locks to get the star sapphire.

    BTW does anyone find it strange that the Ninja-To available in Candlekeep is cheaper than the scimitar, but does the same damage and is faster (4 versus 5)? Also, it's cheaper than Wakizashi, which although faster (3) only does piercing damage, which is usually not as effective as the slashing damage of the Ninja-To. Am not really complaining (I bought a Ninja-to in Candlekeep for the hell of it, as thought might be difficult to get later), but it does seem a little odd.

    The Ninja To was only 1D6 when I looked at it, the Wakisashi was 1D8 and only 3 speed so I bought that.

    Oh I reloaded and looked again ... You're right but I cant be bothered doing all of friendly arm inn and beregost all over again :(

    I'll have a look if I can find another one.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Mungri said:

    You just need 60 open locks to get the star sapphire.

    BTW does anyone find it strange that the Ninja-To available in Candlekeep is cheaper than the scimitar, but does the same damage and is faster (4 versus 5)? Also, it's cheaper than Wakizashi, which although faster (3) only does piercing damage, which is usually not as effective as the slashing damage of the Ninja-To. Am not really complaining (I bought a Ninja-to in Candlekeep for the hell of it, as thought might be difficult to get later), but it does seem a little odd.

    The Ninja To was only 1D6 when I looked at it, the Wakisashi was 1D8 and only 3 speed so I bought that.

    Oh I reloaded and looked again ... You're right but I cant be bothered doing all of friendly arm inn and beregost all over again :(

    I'll have a look if I can find another one.
    I ended buying both, just in case I can't fund them elsewhere and they prove to be useful!
  • DrFumblesDrFumbles Member Posts: 1
    I just got to Baldur's Gate and I was only able to purchase one from a weapons vendor in the SW section of city in the General Store. Haven't seen a magical one yet
  • greckoboygreckoboy Member Posts: 33
    Yikes, we can't access Baldur's Gate until a bit later into the game right? I'm really hoping someone finds another katana vendor soon!
  • DarkcloudDarkcloud Member Posts: 302
    I wonder why they are so rare but Ninja-To/Wakizashi is readily available. They should be rare too.
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