Weidu Fatal Errors - HELP!

Ok, I successfully installed the Dark Horizons Mod and everything was wonderful. Then flushed with success, decided to install this mod:
I did what I usually do, and moved the files into the Game Directory and then ran:
Mac_Weidu_Launcher_v7 (I'm on a Mac).
I then installed the mod, I wasn't sure about what values to put in to Chose Neutral (1), it installed and I ran the Game which resulted in the screen screwing up and I had to Force Quit the App. I then ran Mac_Weidu_Launcher_v7 again and uninstalled the mod, but it still didn't work in the game (the Screen was still screwed). At the point the game as unable and so in panic I removed everything in the override folder (which included Dark Horizons).
Now when I run Weidu I get the error below. I've tried uninstalling, it looks like something is out of sync. It says Re-Install and I don't get an Install option, so it thinks its already there.
How can I fix this problem and make Weidu start again?
Thanks a lot
Last login: Fri Apr 24 11:45:08 on ttys000
[./weidu] WeiDU version 24600
Using Language [English]
Using ./lang/en_us/dialog.tlk
Install Component [ "Dark Horizons" Mod for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition]?
[R]e-Install, [N]o Change or ninstall or [Q]uit? r
Removing old installation of [ "Dark Horizons" Mod for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition] first ...
ERROR: This Mod is too old (or too new) to uninstall that component for you.
Upgrade to the newest versions of this mod and that one and try again.
[Failure("TP2 not found!")]
ERROR: Failure("uninstallation error")
Please make a backup of the file: logs/darkhorizonsbgee.debug and look for support at: "http://www.teambg.net"
Using Language [English]
Install Component [ "Dark Horizons" Mod for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition]?
[R]e-Install, [N]o Change or ninstall or [Q]uit?
I did what I usually do, and moved the files into the Game Directory and then ran:
Mac_Weidu_Launcher_v7 (I'm on a Mac).
I then installed the mod, I wasn't sure about what values to put in to Chose Neutral (1), it installed and I ran the Game which resulted in the screen screwing up and I had to Force Quit the App. I then ran Mac_Weidu_Launcher_v7 again and uninstalled the mod, but it still didn't work in the game (the Screen was still screwed). At the point the game as unable and so in panic I removed everything in the override folder (which included Dark Horizons).
Now when I run Weidu I get the error below. I've tried uninstalling, it looks like something is out of sync. It says Re-Install and I don't get an Install option, so it thinks its already there.
How can I fix this problem and make Weidu start again?
Thanks a lot
Last login: Fri Apr 24 11:45:08 on ttys000
[./weidu] WeiDU version 24600
Using Language [English]
Using ./lang/en_us/dialog.tlk
Install Component [ "Dark Horizons" Mod for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition]?
[R]e-Install, [N]o Change or ninstall or [Q]uit? r
Removing old installation of [ "Dark Horizons" Mod for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition] first ...
ERROR: This Mod is too old (or too new) to uninstall that component for you.
Upgrade to the newest versions of this mod and that one and try again.
[Failure("TP2 not found!")]
ERROR: Failure("uninstallation error")
Please make a backup of the file: logs/darkhorizonsbgee.debug and look for support at: "http://www.teambg.net"
Using Language [English]
Install Component [ "Dark Horizons" Mod for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition]?
[R]e-Install, [N]o Change or ninstall or [Q]uit?
Post edited by LookToWindward on