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Spotted a sort of problem with DarkHorizons Mod

LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179

I found the Merchant behind the temple at the FAI, I can't remember her name but its "Ms, something" and found she had loads of Scroll Cases, Ammo Belts, etc. for sale. So I bought 2 Scroll Cases (to make life easy as I have two mages and so I don't have to leave scroll behind when I don't actually need them). So met PC has one Scroll case and I have Neera (NPC) the other. Now I find that whenever I add or remove a scroll from one book it magically appears in the Other! Interestingly, I've just got the Scroll base from Firebeard and that one is independent of the others, so if I add or remove a scroll it doesn't affect the other two.

I'm not really that bothered because I wouldn't normally bother to buy two of them, it was just I was amazed at seeing hundreds of then for sale so I thought I'd be a glutton!



  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    As a test, I went back to the store and tried it with all the containers for sale there, they are all bugged in that you get multiple containers but they act as one. Adding are removing items from one adds or removes them from them all!

    Looks like there was only meant to be 1 of each in use at any time?

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