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Prestige classes and classes

GabrielKnightGabrielKnight Member Posts: 26
edited April 2020 in General Discussions NWN:EE
Good morning everyone, I would like some advice, I made a second PG with the clear intention of taking him to the SHAPESHIFTER prestige class as a second class, I chose a wizard with pure neutral alignment, general magic school, now my intention is to take him to Shapeshifter magician as soon as possible, I read the requirements to bring a new PG on shapeshifter as a second class and doubts arose. Is it possible to bring the wizard to the shapeshifter? Another curiosity, I haven't played NWN since 2004 and i do not remember, at a certain point,it is possible to evoking a ghost or ghost type creature? My first pg is a pale wizard sorcerer. Last, is there any news about a possible cross-platform development of NWN 2 in EE? Thanks


  • ZazuZazu Member Posts: 8
    you need the wildshape feat to become a shifter, which is only available to druids.

    So you would need to multi-class into a druid for a few levels I think, can't remember how many.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited April 2020
    @GabrielKnight Answer to Question 1: As @Zazu stated, you will need to create a or multi-class into Druid, and take the Wildshape feat in order to prestige into the Shifter prestige class.

    Answer to Question 2: Beamdog is no longer creating EE's of licensed games. They are currently developing a game that is their own intellectual property. Besides, NWN 2 was developed by neither BioWare nor Beamdog. Obsidian Entertainment is that game's developer. Your best bet would be to contact them and ask if they could possibly develop an enhanced edition of that title. Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • GabrielKnightGabrielKnight Member Posts: 26
    Thanks for the replies.
    At this point I ask, is it possible to choose the druid as the second class of my magician and then, by making the druid specializations level up, add the shapeshift prestige class, in order to have a multi-class PG druid shapeshifter wizard? Thanks
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited May 2020
    @GabrielKnight No worries. So long as you spend one of your early character feats on Wildshape when leveling in Druid, yes. Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
  • GabrielKnightGabrielKnight Member Posts: 26
    Thanks very kind :)
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