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Please, next time just put a gun to my head and say: twenty dollars or I'll kill you.

I would feel better.

Thank you


  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Someone should shut down forums for few weeks for those who havent been here from the first week of the opening of forums to get rid of these posts. AND Roll a bit better intelligence AND wisdom next time. Even some charisma would be usefull.
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    Why don't you stop with this nerdy talk ?
    People do not have character chart.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498

    Why don't you stop with this nerdy talk ?
    People do not have character chart.

    D&D forum?
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225

    Why don't you stop with this nerdy talk ?
    People do not have character chart.

    D&D forum?
    So ? Thats some kind of licence to be nerdy ? Its annoying.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    If we are nerdy is that any of your business? Are you a manly man then?
  • SwordsNotWordsSwordsNotWords Member Posts: 147

    Why don't you stop with this nerdy talk ?
    People do not have character chart.

    D&D forum?
    So ? Thats some kind of licence to be nerdy ? Its annoying.
    Well, yes, it is exactly that.

    Have you not got your license?

    The bouncer on the door should have checked you for it.

    I guess he must've just looked at you and presumed...
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    raywind said:

    If we are nerdy is that any of your business? Are you a manly man then?

    No, i just don't want to take part on your nerdy ways. Don't include me into your character charts. Thanks.

  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Im sorry if i hurted your feelings with stats, wont do that again my lord.
  • dracuifydracuify Member Posts: 33
    Your saving throw against nerds just failed. You're confused for 10 turns.
  • InterferenceInterference Member Posts: 5

    Why don't you stop with this nerdy talk ?
    People do not have character chart.

    D&D forum?
    So ? Thats some kind of licence to be nerdy ? Its annoying.
    Essentially yes. That's much like complaining a forum about gardening is talking about soil too much.
  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203

    Why don't you stop with this nerdy talk ?
    People do not have character chart.

    They don´t?!
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    Mungri said:

    Post release forums and new trolls here are terrible. Op you're just as big a nerd as anyone else if you signed up here. This forum has been used for RP purposes since it opened, making an account now to do nothing but whine is pointless and has no purpose (the same can be likely said about you).

    No one forced you to pay for this game. Any time you pre order a game before release you are taking a gamble.

    I'm not saying im not nerdy. I'm just saying that "RP" in the "General Chat" into a topic about the game malfuction is annoying.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited November 2012
    No it isn't, the only annoying thing here is you. Why did you post a thread about the 'game malfunctioning' in general chat instead of bugs then?

    So you sign up, write a few posts and find us annoying. Great, go away then.
  • EcthelionEcthelion Member Posts: 61
    You didn't even explain what is going wrong to begin with. It would be good to have your feedback by mentioning precisely what happened.
  • KithrixxKithrixx Member Posts: 215
    Maybe you should give a reason as to why you think that BG:EE is a "cash grab" and then you'll get a lot less teasing.
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    edited November 2012
    Ecthelion said:

    You didn't even explain what is going wrong to begin with. It would be good to have your feedback by mentioning precisely what happened.

    My cursos vanishes in the inventory, the 2D intro hurted my eyes, it took 8 hours to download the game, the monk can’t stop talking the same thing for more than 3 seconds...

    When i used the zoom it hurted my eyes too... it was... painfull....

    Oh... and i have to comand the same thing twice, as if, i need to “confirm” what i’m doing...

    Why they took my money for something worst than what is in the internet for free?

  • dracuifydracuify Member Posts: 33
    Kithrixx said:

    Maybe you should give a reason as to why you think that BG:EE is a "cash grab" and then you'll get a lot less teasing.

    +1 to this. I can stand all the flaming, whining, bitching posts here and some complainers have very legit and real issues with the game. But @VittordeVitto's opening post was just an empty rant, of course the replies will be of equal level.

  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    @Vittordevitto that's nice, now how about actually posting those problems in the bugs or windows support sections so that you can get them looked into by the right people?

    'Why they took your money' is because you agreed to purchase it, they didn't steal it from you. And this game isn't actually legally available for free, and I doubt your intelligence score is high enough to figure out how to get it for free.

    The original game still sells well on GoG.
  • Greenman019Greenman019 Member Posts: 206
    Please don't feed the trolls.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645

    Please don't feed the trolls.

    Normally Id agree, but this guy isn't even trolling, he seems to lack the minute amount of intelligence required to succefully troll. Or maybe he tried to troll, but he failed his skill check so instead of trolling, he is merely yipping like an angry kobold.
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    Mungri said:

    @Vittordevitto that's nice, now how about actually posting those problems in the bugs or windows support sections so that you can get them looked into by the right people?

    'Why they took your money' is because you agreed to purchase it, they didn't steal it from you. And this game isn't actually legally available for free, and I doubt your intelligence score is high enough to figure out how to get it for free.

    The original game still sells well on GoG.

    Why should i be polite and wait pacefully for everything to be ok ? I pre-ordered the game, i trusted that these people would do a great job and they did not.

    Rant and trolling are not the same thing, you should stop thinking about that.

    People have the right to get angry.

    I have the game since ;; foreve;; , but the mods are free and you should know that.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    You know what's annoying? This thread. Good riddance.
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    Mungri said:

    Please don't feed the trolls.

    Normally Id agree, but this guy isn't even trolling, he seems to lack the minute amount of intelligence required to succefully troll. Or maybe he tried to troll, but he failed his skill check so instead of trolling, he is merely yipping like an angry kobold.
    Oh great... more nerdy-nerdy character talk.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Ok. I promised not to talk to you nerdy again so i must say politely to you that ask some moderator to destroy this post and be done with it. Uninstall the game and never ever come close this forum again or if you do prepare to get treated the same way again as you have been treated now. Go to a doctor and get a brain scan or something and please PLEASE stay away from here.
  • WulfyWulfy Member Posts: 32
    Not sure if trolling or just rolling ones... ;)
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    raywind said:

    Ok. I promised not to talk to you nerdy again so i must say politely to you that ask some moderator to destroy this post and be done with it. Uninstall the game and never ever come close this forum again or if you do prepare to get treated the same way again as you have been treated now. Go to a doctor and get a brain scan or something and please PLEASE stay away from here.

    Yeah... right... i will do as you comand...

    L O L
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    I think this thread could've been closed from the start.

    @Tanthalas, I know you must be busy but...
  • Corto81Corto81 Member Posts: 18
    OP is english is too painful to read...

    And to be honest, "ranting" is best suited for 14-year old nauseating adolescents, so I wouldn't care even if it was written well.


    Again... I'm sorry that people are having issues, and there are legitimate issues that should be looked at and fixed ASAP, but ranting, whining and blaming won't help.

    Either bring creative and positive critic and bug reports, and play, or wait for fixes...
    Or don't play.
    Simple IMO.
This discussion has been closed.