Do touch attacks do critical damge?
Hi everyone.
Lately, I was testing out the inflict series of spells from the cleric spell list.
While the game says that you make an attack roll, and you can crit, it doesn't seem as though any extra damage is done on the critical hit but I'm not sure.
I've tried to test this on a persistent world server and in the HoTu campaign and I don't have a clear answer. Is there a way to test this? Can anyone confirm this?
Lately, I was testing out the inflict series of spells from the cleric spell list.
While the game says that you make an attack roll, and you can crit, it doesn't seem as though any extra damage is done on the critical hit but I'm not sure.
I've tried to test this on a persistent world server and in the HoTu campaign and I don't have a clear answer. Is there a way to test this? Can anyone confirm this?
I need to be clearer here on what I've done so far.
I tried to test this on a persistent world. It did not seem as though the critical damage was applied. I'll be going back to test it again. I think I need a larger sample size. The problem is that damage comes in a range determined by randomness and I haven't bypassed the normal damage range in the few tests I did.
Someone else pointed this out to me from the wiki under the critical hits section...
Touch attacks
Touch attack critical hits prove an exception. They are not blocked by immunity to critical hits, and instead of the standard damage and modifications, they use scripted commands. They are also not bound to deal more damage than a normal hit. Some, like inflict minor wounds, will be indistinguishable from a touch attack hit, while others, like the inflict wounds ray, will add a negative side effect.
I'm confused here and have more questions.
Does this mean some touch attacks can crit and some can't?
Are ranged touch attacks scripted the same as melee touch attacks?
Aren't inflict spells supposed to do Crit damage in 3.5 tabletop D&D?
What's the point of making them not blocked by immunity to crits when they are not bound to do more damage than a normal hit?
NWN2 does have the proper "double damage on criticals" for touch spells, both melee and ranged.
You will find many small inconsistencies with NWN and the rules as written, likewise with NWN2. The reason is most likely because they never got around to it or because the implementation was close enough for most players. You can also sneak attack with spells that use a touch attack since they are considered attacks but neither NWN nor NWN2 implement this if I recall.
There are probably several mods out there which remedy the situation in various ways.