Morien Nightblade in CToT (Caravan Quarter, Toman's quest) — what's his Persuade DC?

I seem to have no luck even with +8 charisma bonus and maxed Persuade (11) as a level 8 character for 19 total persuade, and I've rolled a bunch of times, so I must have rolled, let's say, 15 or higher once or twice. Is this check meant to be failed for story reasons or is it meant to almost impossible or have I fallen out of favour with the RNG?
Post edited by chevalier on
if you are truly curious enable cheats and set your CHA to 100 or so and if you are still failing, chances are that it is impossible to pass
Sometimes I envy people who are capable of moving on and accepting the result even if they roll 3 on a Persuade check in an important matter.
On a different note — and I guess expanding the topic a bit is better than spamming multiple threads — are there any modules with extreme but doable checks for social skills?