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Morien Nightblade in CToT (Caravan Quarter, Toman's quest) — what's his Persuade DC?

chevalierchevalier Member Posts: 51
edited May 2020 in NWN:EE Modules
I seem to have no luck even with +8 charisma bonus and maxed Persuade (11) as a level 8 character for 19 total persuade, and I've rolled a bunch of times, so I must have rolled, let's say, 15 or higher once or twice. Is this check meant to be failed for story reasons or is it meant to almost impossible or have I fallen out of favour with the RNG?
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  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    sometimes checks at least i know in the OC are impossible to pass so this could be the same case scenario

    if you are truly curious enable cheats and set your CHA to 100 or so and if you are still failing, chances are that it is impossible to pass
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Was he the leader of the band of evil adventurers shaking down the merchants? If so, I believe that his check is impossible to beat, yes. (For various reasons, I was using an incredibly overlevelled character for this mod, and if this guy couldn't win a Persuade check, there was no way in hell a level-appropriate character could possibly beat the check.)
  • chevalierchevalier Member Posts: 51
    Perhaps Alazander wanted to give us the impression of trying but failing, without letting on too clearly that the check is in fact non-doable. That's great per se, I like that actually, it's just the meta-gamer's bone in my body wanting to make sure, whereas a character would probably just think something along the lines of: 'well, I took all training I possibly could in negotiation, I also took some hardcore enhancers, so I realistically can't be expected to have done more, so it's okay, time to move on.' But the meta bone wants to make extra sure not to miss out on passing that check if at all possible.

    Sometimes I envy people who are capable of moving on and accepting the result even if they roll 3 on a Persuade check in an important matter. ;)

    On a different note — and I guess expanding the topic a bit is better than spamming multiple threads — are there any modules with extreme but doable checks for social skills?
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