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[Soundtrack] is the in-game soundtract identical with the separately sold flac version?

chevalierchevalier Member Posts: 51
As per title. The separately purchased soundtrack sounds better in the flac version than what I recall the Diamond Edition sounding like. Back in the time I had the same speakers and the soundcard was perhaps worse but not by far, so I'm inclined to think the flac version may be superior. Also the flac soundtract in a standalone music player sounds better than what I hear in-game in NWN1, with notably much clearer delivery.

So now my question is: in Enhanced Edition, is the in-game soundtrack the mp3 or the flac version? If mp3, is there any way of making it the flac version?


  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I suppose you could try copying the .flac soundfiles into the music directory and renaming them to match the original .bmu files, and see if that works.
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