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Encounters not picking random mobs

RoladorRolador Member Posts: 2
So I have noticed that when I add multiple monsters with the same CR, the encounter always picks the first one alphabetically. I know that the original NWN didn't have this behavior and am wondering if that is something that Beamdog might be fixing in the near future.


  • choad7772choad7772 Member Posts: 1
    Ive had the same issue as well. Any progress or updates on how to fix?
  • RoladorRolador Member Posts: 2
    I have found a couple of workarounds. One is to have a large minimum number of creatures and make them all unique. Another is to make the encounter you want to have, then make copies with each widdled down to just one creature at each CR, but each copy has a different creature at each level. For instance you make an encounter with a CR2 goblin and wolf. When you split that, make one encounter with the goblin, and a different one with the wolf. In this way the encounters will feel random to players instead of getting the same critter every encounter.
  • mlkent22mlkent22 Member Posts: 41
    I do not use encounter triggers. What I use is the NESS. there is a bit of a learning curve to using everything it has to offer, and I admit after several years I am still learning all it can do. There is a great tutorial included with the system to walk you through what it can do and get you started. For your specific query/post the NESS tutorial covers exactly how to make that happen.
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