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[v1.01] Karihi, a fire genasi pyromancer NPC for IWD:EE

 TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
edited May 2020 in IWD:EE Mods

Karihi is a scholar and arcanist from a land far away from the Frozenfar, as well as a fallen noble with a rather unpleasant past. As befitting her fire genasi heritage, she is an adept in the art of pyromancy, and would make a powerful mage... provided one can tolerate her arrogance and endless complaints towards the cold and the long treks through the Spine of the World.

She can be found in Easthaven, outside the Snowdrift Inn... shivering and complaining about the winter wind.

Race: Fire Genasi
Class: Pyromancer (Mage)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 13

Mod includes:
  • One new party member for IWD:EE with a custom mage kit
  • Friendship and Romance
  • One small encounter
  • The opportunity for a mage PC to learn a few pyromancy spells

If one installs the Crossmod Banter Pack for IWD:EE, these two NPCs will banter with each other, along with Dendjelion, Dusky, Ina, Oak-Maw, Tipps and Urchin by Lava Del'Vortel, as well as the Icewind Dale NPCs by Kulyok.

Post edited by TheArtisan on


  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Updated to v1.01, fixing a couple of incorrect dialogue paths.
  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    Hi! Using your new NPC in a current playthru and enjoying her so far :) I had a question though: I noticed when she uses her ranged staff attack, or when she casts the new "Fiery Missile" spell, there is no animation
    for the attack (ex: magic missile has the red missiles fly at the enemy) except for the flames that appear when an enemy is hit.

    I also have the "More Style for Mages" mod installed, and the staves provided by that mod also lack the ranged animation. I was just curious if by installing these two mods together I caused an issue.

    Thank you for the excellent modding work!
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Dawglicious I get animations for her ranged staff and fire missiles. Maybe you have a conflict somewhere?
  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    @Dawglicious I get animations for her ranged staff and fire missiles. Maybe you have a conflict somewhere?

    That does seem likely :/
  • BrokenkatanaBrokenkatana Member Posts: 47
    Just want to say how much I enjoyed taking Minerva and Karihi thru IWD. I have a new appreciation for the concept of how great a mastery of daggers can be in this game. I agree with the previous post comments on Minerva’s adventurous spirit is and Karihi’s personal growth. Karihi might now be my favorite mod romance.

    I did come across a couple bugs though.
    -In the puzzle room, Minerva’s “Well some of these” dialogue came up with a “no valid response” option to reply with.
    -I was also using Golem Construction and the Djinni Companion mod. After constructing my first golem late in the game, I had to rebuild Minerva’s construct when it got destroyed. Oddly the construct seemed to get stuck on the construction animation. So it kind of looked like it was having a seizure. I’m guessing it was all the extra companions interfering with each other in some way.
    -Finally, during the Roth “Aaaaggghhh” cutscene, the game would freeze. The other options worked, so I got around it.

    I’m looking forward to the other NPC’s you’re working on, keep up the amazing work.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Great, great job with this companion! I thoroughly enjoyed having Karihi in my party. I was a little worried early on about the vagueness of her background (her references to some unspecified “eastern empire”) but later her lack of specificity made perfect sense. The character arc was nicely paced, well written, and thoroughly enjoyable.

    I especially liked:
    Her teaching the main character in the ways of pyromancy (with the bonus spells!) and the encounter with Roth in Marketh’s palace.

    Looking forward to the other NPCs when they become available!
  • seloconselocon Member Posts: 11


    She's amazing early game, when a good hit from her staff can OHKO most mooks, and though she's squishy, once I take care of the archers, and have my cleric engage the melee mooks, she's AMAZING.

    Also, thank you for the RANGED staff!!! It's so great to have a halfway decent missile weapon for a wizard
  • super_norqsuper_norq Member Posts: 6
    After finishing a playthrough with Karihi, I feel obliged to express my gratitude, AionZ! She's truly an awesome addition to IWD - I've only recently started to explore the rich world of Infinity mods and I must say that I am impressed - I hope I'll be able to translate Karihi into Polish one day, so our community can enjoy her as well.

    As far as the character is concerned, I think she's really well written - she's got plenty of interesting dialogues, banters and interjections. Gameplaywise, she's one competent mage and the spells she gains each level will help tremendously (especially on HoW).

    * During her cutscene in Marketh's Palace I encountered a strange bug - for some strange reason the cutscene couldn't end so I was forced to quit the game. Although I'm pretty sure the bug is caused by my current installation, I thought I'd share anyways.

    * It would be amazing to see more IWD NPCs coming from you, AionZ, as they really improve IWD experience. :)

  • InKalInKal Member Posts: 196
    I have no idea why but sometimes her custom spells and her staff are not working properly.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    edited April 2021

    I encounter a bug during the cutscene with Roth, same as the one reported by @super_norq previously.


    I think I solved it myself. I searched for Roth with Nearinfinity, then I opened C0KSERV.dlg, and I had a hunch that Action 1 is related to my problem, did some experiments, eventually found out that there is StartCutSceneMode() but nothing looks like quit cutscene mode, so I google and found something called EndCutSceneMode() ...

    After that I modified Action 1 to the following:

    After that the cutscene ended normally, and the following dialogue appeared when I talked to Karihi:


    No problem so far after modifying the file, close to end game now.
    Post edited by xiaoleiwen on
  • MόrlekvMόrlekv Member Posts: 4
    I rarely do this.. participating in a thread.. but here it goes. I installed the game. The enhanced edition. I downloaded the mod, enthused by all these beautiful comments. Tried to install it.. Couldn't. Errors, you see. So, either i am doing something wrong, which is the most likely scenario but i thought the installation was simple, therefore what in Zeus glorious beard happened.. or the file is faulty. Can anyone please help? Step by step i:
    2)placed the three elements in the installation directory
    3)run it. ERROR.
    The same goes for Minerva mod, too..
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    Mόrlekv wrote: »
    I rarely do this.. participating in a thread.. but here it goes. I installed the game. The enhanced edition. I downloaded the mod, enthused by all these beautiful comments. Tried to install it.. Couldn't. Errors, you see. So, either i am doing something wrong, which is the most likely scenario but i thought the installation was simple, therefore what in Zeus glorious beard happened.. or the file is faulty. Can anyone please help? Step by step i:
    2)placed the three elements in the installation directory
    3)run it. ERROR.
    The same goes for Minerva mod, too..

    Most probably the files are not in the correct location.

    KarihiNPC folder, .gitatributes and the Setup-Karihi NPC.exe should be put in the same location with the icewind.exe file.

    You may also show some screenshots of the error.
  • MόrlekvMόrlekv Member Posts: 4
    Hello, thank you for your reply, yes, i put Kahiri folder and gitatributes and the Setup-Karihi NPC.exe in the same location.. alas.. here is a screenshot.
  • MόrlekvMόrlekv Member Posts: 4
    Anyone at all to help?!
  • MόrlekvMόrlekv Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2022
    Edited by a moderator
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    edited May 2021
    Well, when everyone can make it work, then assume it's not the problem with the mod, but something else. Your screenshot has files from 2014 - the initial release of IWD EE so I would assume you are using a REALLY outdated game version, perhaps even an illegal one... or some ancient setup, but then again, I would find it really weird that you've decided to keep a game for 7 years and then, just now decided to try out a mod without updating the game. If you had it from any platform, you would have an up to date version, all files would be from 2021. If it was DVD version, you could still update it using Beamdog Client. If you didn't know that, then use the Beamdog Client. I think they mentioned somewhere it's possible to use DVD version with the client.

    Want to make sure mods work correctly? Update your game.
  • CatcheJaggerCatcheJagger Member Posts: 5
    Mόrlekv wrote: »
    I rarely do this.. participating in a thread.. but here it goes. I installed the game. The enhanced edition. I downloaded the mod, enthused by all these beautiful comments. Tried to install it.. Couldn't. Errors, you see. So, either i am doing something wrong, which is the most likely scenario but i thought the installation was simple, therefore what in Zeus glorious beard happened.. or the file is faulty. Can anyone please help? Step by step i:
    2)placed the three elements in the installation directory
    3)run it. ERROR.
    The same goes for Minerva mod, too..

    Not sure what the problem you're having could be? Unpacking the files into the main IWDEE directory and running the .exe file results in a clean installation,. I've just run it myself and the install went through successfully, same thing with Minerva. It's quite likely that something else in your directory is creating the problem. Could very well be the outdated version, as Lava indicated. However, I can assure you that the fault in this matter does not rest with the mod.
  • DracleathDracleath Member Posts: 9
    Hey, just went through a game with the IWD npcs and Kahiri and minerva with the banter pack everything was really great with Kahiri, but just wanted to let you know that I was still getting a bug in the Dorns deep cutscene with Roth, the animation plays but he keeps burning and the cutscene never ends.
  • zoharzohar Member Posts: 25
    Dracleath wrote: »
    Hey, just went through a game with the IWD npcs and Kahiri and minerva with the banter pack everything was really great with Kahiri, but just wanted to let you know that I was still getting a bug in the Dorns deep cutscene with Roth, the animation plays but he keeps burning and the cutscene never ends.

    Same problem here... It's a shame AionZ lost some interest on IWD mods (he said they would take a backseat on one of his coments). Just hoping he works on this awesome mod again to fully appreciate it.
  • DracleathDracleath Member Posts: 9
    So since its been a while since an official update would anyone have a problem with me tossing up a hotfix to the Roth issue?

    I love this character and would love to recommend it but its a lot to tell people to fix themselves rather than just downloading a file and throwing it into override.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    The author isn't gone, but working on some other things meanwhile. You shouldn't update other people's mods. If you want to contact him, talk to him on his public Discord channel.
  • DracleathDracleath Member Posts: 9
    Eh, no big deal, I can just point people to this thread and they can read how to fix it in nearinfinity if they want.
  • paladin84paladin84 Member Posts: 72
    Any chances of traifing the mod? I was thinking about translating it...
  • NugrudNugrud Member Posts: 6
    xiaoleiwen wrote: »

    I encounter a bug during the cutscene with Roth, same as the one reported by @super_norq previously.


    I think I solved it myself. I searched for Roth with Nearinfinity, then I opened C0KSERV.dlg, and I had a hunch that Action 1 is related to my problem, did some experiments, eventually found out that there is StartCutSceneMode() but nothing looks like quit cutscene mode, so I google and found something called EndCutSceneMode() ...

    After that I modified Action 1 to the following:

    After that the cutscene ended normally, and the following dialogue appeared when I talked to Karihi:


    No problem so far after modifying the file, close to end game now.

    The fix worked, thx in 2024!
  • N3xusN3xus Member Posts: 7


    I just recently have tried Karihi (and other NPCs) in IWD and really like her 🙂
    ...except for her voice. That was very immersion breaking for me 😟

    So I decided to improve them a little if I can. It took only 1 or 2 hours edit all her sound files.
    I increased the volume a bit and added a little burning sounds when she's speaking. It's still not studio quality but I think it feels less out of the line. I hope you guys will like it.

    To install it just overwrite the original sounds with the ones in the archive and run Karihi's setup.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    N3xus wrote: »

    I just recently have tried Karihi (and other NPCs) in IWD and really like her 🙂
    ...except for her voice. That was very immersion breaking for me 😟

    So I decided to improve them a little if I can. It took only 1 or 2 hours edit all her sound files.
    I increased the volume a bit and added a little burning sounds when she's speaking. It's still not studio quality but I think it feels less out of the line. I hope you guys will like it.

    To install it just overwrite the original sounds with the ones in the archive and run Karihi's setup.

    I just wanted to thank you for modifying Karihi's sound files. I'm using them in my current game and they do sound better! :)
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