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contingency effect

squirossquiros Member Posts: 33
mages and clerics can cast spells by adding them to their book and then resting. the number memorized is the amount of times it is castable by clicking on the spell icon.

one of these spells is contingency which can cast other spells in the book. this allows faster casting of other spells.

most items can cast spells 1 of 2 ways: on hit or item ability. on hit requires an attack to hit and every hit has a chance to trigger the effect. item abilities are added to the bag icon and activated. these can be limited per day or if the uses are left at 0 will have infinite uses.

these are the standards methods that spells are cast, as most are familiar with.

there is an effect called cast on condition:
#232 (0xE8) Spell Effect: Cast Spell on Condition Variants: BGEE IWD1 IWD2
Parameter #1: Target
Parameter #2: Condition
added to a character, this can cast on enemies automatically. this will be permanent until death. for example, chain lightning placed in the resource field will cast chain lighting every round at enemies. on non casting characters this will still function and will not take the place of any other action. that is, fighters with 5 apr will still attack the full 5 times per round and still cast chain lightning in addition. this effect is removed on death.

this effect can be added to items. for example, a sword of chain lightning. this sword will then cast chain lightning when the wielder sees enemies. this is different than the item ability, the user will not take this action instead of other actions per round to use. this will cast regardless of the wielder is doing and will not replace current contingencies already in place. neither effect will break stealth.

a thief could equip the sword of chain lightning and simply stand near enemies. every round, a chain lightning will be cast without breaking stealth. this effect is not limited to swords. any item can have this effect and will autocast on condition.

this information is simply a psa in hopes that new strategies or convenience options would enrich the game. cheating is relatively easy, so this is not meant for 6 fighters to start casting dragon's breath right out of candlekeep. i'm (re?)introducing because when i added this effect in near infinity, the targeting option for '9 - enemies' was 'unknown' in nearinfinity. it's possible this function isn't widely known.

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