[SPOILERS/Moonsea] Is there anything you can find in Zhentil Keep or just an endless random dungeon?

As per title. I know you can confront him, in which case you'll have to kill him (2 XP), or you can allow him to have his group killed (4500 XP), which will happen even if you previously clear the ruins of the Shadovar (oversight?).
So is there a way of out of the 'Thentia Resistance Army' situation without either having to kill its leader or allowing him to have the entire group killed?
So is there a way of out of the 'Thentia Resistance Army' situation without either having to kill its leader or allowing him to have the entire group killed?
Post edited by chevalier on
Letting them go isn't represented as Evil, it's more like failure to do good but without doing evil, hence some sort of general ambiguous act compatible with a wide range of alignments depending on the motive, e.g. respect for individual freedom and not wanting to cross blades with innocents, and such like. I would have compunctions in the PC's situation both on the point of Law and Good forcing the combat with Bale, though I could rationally justify the need.
It's a pity letting them go gives you 4500 XP, while confronting him does only the XP for killing him and not for diffusing the situation and dispersing the rest of the band, which is certainly worth some XP.
Gah. But the supreme pity is you can't save them even if you clear the ruins for them. And can't tell them you'll go there in their stead or even along with them, at least the latter of which I'm pretty sure they wouldn't refuse.
Some NPCs say I can find something — notably Maganus's old home — in the ruins, but I can't seem to find anything. Will I eventually find something if I keep exploring or not?