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I don't like random HP on level up



  • SoidoSoido Member Posts: 362
    Yeah, there are many type of players. There are Ironman players, Speed run players, Any% players, Powergame players, casual players, and what not
  • SoidoSoido Member Posts: 362
    edited May 2020
    Yesterday Rasaad gained 2 HP when he leveled up. Comedy

    I find Rasaad very problematic build. I like him but he is a burden. His fast walking is more of a disadvantage than advantage because he walks well ahead of the party and agroes every enemy. He dies most often than anyone else in the party.

    I think the early versions of monks in BGEE are unpolished. But later DnD versions get solid. I remember one of my plays of NWN was with a monk and the monk was a very strong build

    I get the impression that you have to play a monk in BGEE as a mage. At the back of the party and never engage anyone. Just let him passively gain XP so that somewhere in BGEE2 he might get better. In fact you may even want to disable his AI to do nothing so he survives. Only mid to late game into the saga the monk can actually become good.
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    Soido wrote: »
    I find Rasaad very problematic build. I like him but he is a burden. His fast walking is more of a disadvantage than advantage because he walks well ahead of the party and agroes every enemy. He dies most often than anyone else in the party.

    Yeah, the problem is that monks before level 14 are indeed a burden. After level 14, they are gods.

    Quite an abrupt jump there.
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    It seems it was so hard to implement adnd 2 rules to a video game, and seems its almost always better to create own system for video games because the pnp systems are usually not works in computer enviroment.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    Low level monks in 2nd edition aren't tanks. They're skirmishers; you have to pay attention, and use that speed to retreat whenever they draw too much attention. It helps if you've got someone else in the conventional heavy melee role to take the heat in their place.
    That's how you keep them alive. On offense, there's one key item that really helps them - the Cloak of the Wolf.

    Played well, Rasaad can certainly pull his weight in a BGEE party. In my latest run, he ended up with 167K experience from his kills - about 80% of his one-sixth fair share.
  • SoidoSoido Member Posts: 362
    Well you must have had a mage-redundant party with low kills, and probably heavy buffing Rasaad. Compared to warriors, or archer kits, I don't see how Rasaad can get 80%
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    In BGEE monks need more careful handling and do comparatively lower damage to fighters - hence @jmerry comment that Rasaad got slightly less than a pro-rata share of kills. However, at higher levels monks do very respectable damage - 4 APR doing base 5-24 damage before taking account of buffs, strength etc. Unless you're regularly using improved haste on your fighters, high level monks will probably get slightly more than their share of kills, rather than slightly less as in BGEE - and that's before you even factor in their instant kill ability, which can further tilt the scales in their favor.
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