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EEKeeper! Need Help with Damage Reduction/Resistances!!!

AlekiusAlekius Member Posts: 2
edited May 2020 in General Modding
Hey folks, read a lot here the last days, after i decided to give the BG Saga another full go after a couple of years. ;-)

To the question(and i´m not sure if this is the right place withing the forum, sorry if not), i want to play an Undead Hunter with blunt weapons and shield, but as it seems to get quite unsexy, and untanky in the later game, i thought about fleshing out the 1h and shield fighting style a bit, maybe after level 10 and then perhaps 20.
Want to do this by using EEKeeper and giving charname some DR to slashing/piercing/crushing, perhaps 5-10% at level 10 going up to 10-20% at level 20 or the likes of it.

So, do i do this in the resistances tab of EEkeeper, and is the number i put into it equal to percentages? Like 13 as a number equals 13% Damge Reduction to , let`s say, crushing?

Don`t wanna break the damn game, i just want S&S being a bit on par with the other styles.

What do you think of the general idea?

Thanks in advance. ;-)
Post edited by Alekius on


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,899
    edited May 2020
    Adding an effect to a weapon style ... not in the scope of what EEKeeper does. You need different tools for that.

    If you want to give physical resistances to a character, that's easy enough. You can just go straight to the resistances tab and add it there, updating at the appropriate levels. Of course, nothing will stop you from using it with other weapon combinations other than your own choice.

    Weapon style effects are controlled in the STYLBONU.2da file. There are columns for primary weapon damage, off-hand weapon damage, primary weapon THAC0, off-hand THAC0, general AC, missile AC, weapon speed, and critical rolls. Anything outside that list of effects - basically, the list of things that any of the weapon styles do - isn't happening without some serious workarounds. You can give shield style a general AC bonus easily, but damage resistance is off the table.
    Post edited by jmerry on
  • AlekiusAlekius Member Posts: 2
    Very helplful, thank you. So physical resistances will work just like damage resistance(just not bound to the style, but to the char itself)and not just like stacking some AC on it?

    Because AC is not what i´m looking for, but adding a 10 in slashing resistance and getting 10% damage reduction for it would be totaly fine for me, immersion wise it would be okay with me if it is not bound to the s&s style itself. :-)
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