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Hitting retail, or "specialty" stores?

After joining yesterday, after lurking here for a while, I have got around to wondering, how exactly this works.

Is Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition going to be online only? (Which I find rather..odd, seeing that it is practically asking for being the target of warez) Or is it going to be in places like Gamestop, or even Wal-mart?

The main reason I am asking this, is not because I intend to buy it right now (I don't have a credit card.....) but because, I am curious behind the marketing techniques here. I would diffidently ASSUME this is going to be sold in stores.

Even if it Is _not_ going to be sold in stores, do any of you think it would be a good Idea?


  • FyreFyre Member Posts: 28
    I really hate to double post, and I hate "bump"ing but, before this is drowned in the flood of post here.....


    I feel so evil now.
  • FyreFyre Member Posts: 28
    ....This is my last post for this. Rest in peace buried alive thread. ;-;
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited November 2012

  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460
    The retail option was ruled out early on because of the hassles involved in securing a distribution deal. Not to mention that there wasn't enough benefits over the download format. It would just add more constraints to the studio. Not to mention that having all four iterations of the game being distributed online, means that they can continually patch it. There have already been compatibility issues with the early release, that it is a good thing they didn't go down the retail path.

    Pirating is something that they've accepted as the reality of gaming. There is little they can do to get around that other than strongly advising against it.

    The future of the game lies in the promise of Downloadable Content, which will be available through downloads. Content like the new NPCs are already treated as Downloadable Content on the platform of Android and Ipad. It seems like the key market that they are trying to crack into is the portable device market.
  • FyreFyre Member Posts: 28

    Thanks for answering my questions. The main reason I asked, as because, it has become a reality, for the better, in my opinion, if a game is available at gamestop, it will sell much better. I honestly think that they know how to use good marketing techniques. Heck, if it wasn't for them, the wii wouldn't of won the console wars.

    Oh well, maybe if it sells good, the enhanced edition(s) will be sold in a bundle format, once the second comes out.

    And, before anyone ask, I do NOT know why I am concerned about Beamdog's success. I guess I am just overly-protective of companies I am not even related with, right?
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