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Are containers safe storage ?

I am assuming they are but never tried. But better safe than sorry. I store unneded items with retired npcs. If you are familiar with Skyrim some containers are not safe.

Others using containers as storage or something more handy than retired npcs ?


  • PingwinPingwin Member Posts: 262
    Containers are safe. Mostly.

    Beregost for example you can put stuff in any of the barrels outside, or a container in a room somewhere. In BG1 I'll usually stash stuff in the bedroom at the back of the Jovial Juggler, or in Kagain's shop.

    In BG2 I'll usually stash everything in a barrel in the Copper Coronet.

    Almost any container is safe but there are two versions of certain areas so when you complete a quest the original area effectively disappears and gets replaced by a similar looking area that is now safe. Anything that was in the original area is now inaccessible unless you mess around with the console.

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