Level 1 spell items in BG2?

I'm wondering if there are any items akin to BG1's version of Evermemory (double level 1 spells). I know that there's the Ring of Acuity for level 2/3/4, and Evermemory BG2 for 5/6/7, but I'm specifically looking for level 1 spells (something something Nahal's Reckless Dweomer).
also a ring can be equipped by different mages, while cheating in more slots to a single mage can not allow to chose which one has more slots, if you ie change mage, you play with nalia and then replace her with imoen.
i suppose that having both bg and bg2 and using a modding tool it is quite fast to use a generic not enchanted bg2 ring as base and copying the opcodes used in the evermemory it is quite simple to create a bg2 replica, and it would be a really broken OP item, think which use a wild mage can do of it...
the dwehomers ignore the aura so can be cast as under improved alacrity and this using RoV and AoP means that a PI can cast up to 12 lev 9 spells in a round, before using its improved alacrity and unleash the other 5 lev 9 slots and half of the spellbook, and this 6 times/rest
but i never did try to use a bg item as source to copy opcodes to create a bg2 item, even if i don't think that there should be problem as there are some items that can be ported trough the games, so i suppose that the opcodes used are the same ones.