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Level 1 spell items in BG2?

I'm wondering if there are any items akin to BG1's version of Evermemory (double level 1 spells). I know that there's the Ring of Acuity for level 2/3/4, and Evermemory BG2 for 5/6/7, but I'm specifically looking for level 1 spells (something something Nahal's Reckless Dweomer).


  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    edited May 2020
    BG1's "Evermemory" does not appear in vanilla BG2 nor does it exist in BG2's data files, which means you cannot console/eekeeper it into your game without first doing mod work to manually recreate it as a permissible BG2 item (which would be possible but which would take work).
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 638
    It'd be easier to just use EEkeeper to give the character X amount of memorizing slots for lvl 1spells
  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    Not quite the same as a cheated in Evermemory takes up a valuable ring slot. Otherwise there is the Zerth Blade, but a unmodded wild mage would not be able to use that.

  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited May 2020
    also to add spell slots with EEkeeper should work only until the character levels up, then he receives the right number of slots for his new level if i am not wrong. so it is needed to edit the save game every time the toon levels up.
    also a ring can be equipped by different mages, while cheating in more slots to a single mage can not allow to chose which one has more slots, if you ie change mage, you play with nalia and then replace her with imoen.

    i suppose that having both bg and bg2 and using a modding tool it is quite fast to use a generic not enchanted bg2 ring as base and copying the opcodes used in the evermemory it is quite simple to create a bg2 replica, and it would be a really broken OP item, think which use a wild mage can do of it... ;):D
    6 PI summoning spells each one with 12 dwehomers and 6 lev 9 slots at cap level is 108 lev 9 spells/day, and this before the original mage uses his lev 1 and 9 spells.
    the dwehomers ignore the aura so can be cast as under improved alacrity and this using RoV and AoP means that a PI can cast up to 12 lev 9 spells in a round, before using its improved alacrity and unleash the other 5 lev 9 slots and half of the spellbook, and this 6 times/rest :s

    but i never did try to use a bg item as source to copy opcodes to create a bg2 item, even if i don't think that there should be problem as there are some items that can be ported trough the games, so i suppose that the opcodes used are the same ones.
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