EEFFACE and atioglxx.dll Errors
I posted this on the toolset forum as well. I've been building a module using this same PC for a year now almost every day including today. I took a break, shut it down and came back. I opened the toolset and immediately started getting these errors. I have a Radeon RX 460 GPU. I updated the drivers to it after encountering these issues but it didn't help. I've uninstalled and reinstalled steam and NWN: EE and that too didn't help. I changed the toolset settings in options also to no avail. Thinking it may be localized to my current project I tried to create a base vanilla module without CC and it's still doing the same thing. It's happening as soon as the toolset opens and an area loads. When I try to move the cursor on the map the error pops up and then I have to close the program using the task manager. Could this be a byproduct of the new update being incompatible with my hardware? Does anyone have any other ideas?
I have not had these issues specifically, I haven't had any driver crashes with Radeon in the toolset, except for some times I've done silly things with shaders in override.
This is a problematic issue to look into, because you hadn't had any issues either, until you did have them. After a break. So maybe after I take a break I'll have them too. It's hard to say what caused them to start happening, but the absence of anything like a new toolset version makes things difficult to pinpoint, especially to NWN specifically.
I know some people with an RX480, and, while I am selling my 580 to a friend next month, I'll try popping it back in before then, maybe next week, to see that 8193.13 is still working properly, as well as ask the 480 folks if they are having issues in the toolset starting at the top of the month when you did. I don't remember if I upgraded to the VII before or after the May 13th 8193.13 patch, so it might be a good idea to switch back to a Polaris card like yours to check.
Rather than creating a base vanilla module without haks, what I always recommend as a first step is to 1) Rename the Documents\Neverwinter Nights directory, as a temporary measure, to run the game with nothing but what it installs with, and, in the case of Steam players, "Browse Local Files" to open the bin\win32 install directory, and double click on nwmain.exe to launch the game without the Steam wrapper, and Workshop subscriptions.
I have had a few dozen cases where someone tells me they aren't subscribed to anything on Steam, and then come back the next day to tell me that they were, and had forgotten, and that it was causing their problems.