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We have a dream

Goodmorning everyone
I have already read several posts about this topic, but I would like to add mine. First of all I want to thank Beamdog for having me and for giving us the way to replay WONDERFUL games like BG but above all NWN EE
And especially to be able to replay them in MULTI-PLATFORM
With how many friends between Xbox one and PC I went back to play this masterpiece! Thanks Beamdog!
I know it was produced by another software house, but I think I speak on behalf of many, many fans, find a solution and give us another masterpiece, of course I am talking about NWN 2 !!!!
I am sure that many of us are waiting for him
Write, let's make ourselves heard
Write here if you have the same wish. Thanks


  • AncarionAncarion Member Posts: 155
    I don't think you really want that ;)
  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    The legality involved in securing the IP is probably a nightmare.
  • GabrielKnightGabrielKnight Member Posts: 26
    I wish that my post has many comments from many fans with my own desire
  • AncarionAncarion Member Posts: 155
    I wish that my post has many comments from many fans with my own desire

    I don't doubt your sentiments, and in a perfect world I'm sure you'd get everything you hoped for, however, putting aside the fact that BD has pretty unequivocally said that they're not interested, and the topic has been put to rest...

    1. I imagine (but have no evidence) that NWN2 is a tightly-woven hodgepodge of code that would immediately unravel if any thread were pulled at. Worse than NWN sure seems to be. I wouldn't want anyone to mess with it without very good cause.

    2. NWN2 just never had the legs of its predecessor, and an enhanced edition would probably sell terribly. It was ugly when it came out, full of third-party features of dubious necessity, and shockingly disappointed a good number of NWN people. Too many consider it an unworthy successor.

    3. I doubt many NWN2 fans frequent this site, considering they probably don't have any interest in its subject matter. So they're just not around to agree. At least not in the numbers you hope for.

    But don't think for a moment that I wouldn't want a real modernized version, an NWN3 so to speak. That's what we really should be clamoring for, in my opinion.
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited June 2020
    I appreciate the desire for a NWN 2 EE, I have fond memories of playing it, for me Obsidian Entertainment was better at making a story than Bioware and again with Fallout New Vegas compared to Bethesda's Fallout 3 & 4.

    In NWN 2 the first 2 hours are slow but for me any new D&D adventure has a slow beginning, in BG 1 the world is very dangerous and I feel the need to go get some easy XP before going for the main quest, I much prefer the party control system over the henchman of NWN 1 but the AI still make dumb decisions but I can stop them and take control.

    I appreciate that the Palemaster actually works properly in NWN 2 unlike in 1st where a LVL 5 Wizard with 10 LVL's of Palemaster is suppose to cast spells at LVL 10 Wizard but doesn't, you get new spell slots but your power is stuck at 5??? Why did this class get released and is still in the EE when it doesn't work properly?

    Anyway I don't know why NWN 2 didn't get the attention it deserves, I prefer the main campaign of the 2nd over the 1st game but let's be real... it's not gonna happen and NWN 1 EE is never gonna get what it needs either.
  • CaomhCaomh Member Posts: 40
    I would purchase a NWN:2 enhanced edition in a heartbeat. It still runs on modern computers, but then Beamdog would likely port it so I could play it on the Switch. The underlying system was better. The stories and mechanics truly worked.

    Yes it was buggy at released, but all this time later..
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    nwn 2 ee would barley change.

    " fix the camera"

    how? the reason it's like that is due to the engine.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Cerabelus wrote: »
    I appreciate that the Palemaster actually works properly in NWN 2 unlike in 1st where a LVL 5 Wizard with 10 LVL's of Palemaster is suppose to cast spells at LVL 10 Wizard but doesn't, you get new spell slots but your power is stuck at 5??? Why did this class get released and is still in the EE when it doesn't work properly?

    You can get this functionality with Community Patch (although it requires some ingame tweaks since it musn't be enabled automatically due to NWN community complaints, nevertheless that feature is there).
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Advancing caster level is one of the easier things to fix, anyone can fix it and I'm sure there are several fixes already. NWN2 had other problems in this respect, namely Obsidian's homebrew rules interacting with caster level exploits/bugs.
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