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c/m/t debait

my family does alot of 1 and 2 edition rule set and ive always had a pnp swashbuckler mage cleric futher more ive asked then the rules on that and heres what i was told a half-elf gnome and halfling are allowed to role that way

however they are restricted to robes or elven chainmail for armor but can wear helms and bucklers also may use any weapon with the hla use any item further more they only get a handful of divine spells

limited to the neutral allignments however do get divine spell limits these spells are proper destrupted among the levels for example

group death ward resurrection and flame strike is a level 6
spell heal and insect plague is lvl 5
true sight and dispell ,miscast magic are lvl 3
cure serious wounds ,protect from evil 10ft radius , defensive harmony are level 4
flame sowrd remove curse, cure medium wounds, is lvl 2.
for level one you get neutralise poison, cure light wounds sancuary


  • dragondrive666dragondrive666 Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2020
    the gained 1 ac 1damage 1 thaco and +1 to missle avoidance per 3 levels in swash and only gained 5 to move slightly 5 to hide in shadow,5 to find traps, 5 to open locks per level of swashbuckler
    no pickpocketing no backstab
  • dragondrive666dragondrive666 Member Posts: 4
    btw the people i play with consider 3rd edition onward to be blasphemy and no longer true dnd
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Sorry, what's your question?

    If you play with people that use 1st/2nd edition rules and have their own interpretations of how things work, how does that relate to the rule set of the BG games, which is modified anyway and has its own idiosyncrasies?
  • dragondrive666dragondrive666 Member Posts: 4
    when are they going to allow the cleric mage thief class
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,962
    Never. The Infinity Engine games are, for better or for worse, an adaptation of 2nd edition rules. And that triple class isn't in the rulebooks.

    Then, because of the way things are coded, adding new classes is a particularly hard thing to do. And where we are now, the only scope of future patches will be bug-fixing. No new content, no global rule changes like that.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    From what I understand, the reasoning is that only elves and half elves can triple class.

    Neither of them can be cleric/thieves, so neither of them can be mage/cleric/thieves.

    If gnomes could triple class they could probably do it though. That'd be quite a sight to behold.
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