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Lord Jierdan / Firkraag bug?

My party apparently missed talking to Lord Jierdan at the start of the game, and since they had other business in the Windspear Hills, they wound up getting involved in that whole mess with no real warning. Days go by, and eventually they take out Firkraag for the Order of the Radiant Heart.

Then, one day, they need Imoen to head back to the CC to wrap up a loose thread with an NPC. She happily obliges, and a few days later the party heads back to pick her up again. Where they see Lord Jierdan? Sure enough, the (undead) Jierdan offers them the deal, complete with a "new" quest entry.

Weird. This seems like a bug?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    the problem is that for whatever reason beamdog in a recent patch made it so when you talk to the dryads in the first dungeon it will update the map for the windspear hills

    and now because of that, many players are accidentally going there without talking to jierdan first like they were supposed to

    in my opinion this is quite an over sight, and if they ever update this game again, they should get rid of the map update from the dryads to stop this confusion, or at least make it so once you visit the windspear hills, jierdan disappears from the copper cohornet
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    the problem is that for whatever reason beamdog in a recent patch made it so when you talk to the dryads in the first dungeon it will update the map for the windspear hills

    and now because of that, many players are accidentally going there without talking to jierdan first like they were supposed to

    in my opinion this is quite an over sight, and if they ever update this game again, they should get rid of the map update from the dryads to stop this confusion, or at least make it so once you visit the windspear hills, jierdan disappears from the copper cohornet

    That wouldn't work, as it would cut out a major subquest. A better solution would be to not implement the Paladin ambush until AFTER you have agreed to the job and lock/ward the door leading into Strohm's tomb area. Said ward would be given by Jierdan/Firkraag himself, requiring you to talk to him to make any further progress beyond the front "cave". You might also have remove Garren Windspear as well, since killing him would definitely screw up that quest as well. Both doable with very, very minor changes, though.

    As an aside, that is a REALLY weird entrance to a tomb/dungeon - I mean, it goes from normal dungeon to open cave and then back into a normal dungeon?
  • iosfrustrationiosfrustration Member Posts: 153
    Maurvir wrote: »
    As an aside, that is a REALLY weird entrance to a tomb/dungeon - I mean, it goes from normal dungeon to open cave and then back into a normal dungeon?

    In my head the “cave” part is the entrance/exit for dragons. When Firkraag invaded the dungeon and made it his home that was the hole he dug to get in. Similar to Smaug in The Hobbit.
    I acknowledge that even by the insane troll logic of BG2 map design this particular explanation is a bit of a stretch.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I actually thought of a simpler fix - once you are ambushed, make Jierdan disappear. That way, you can still do the acorn quest "out of sequence" and everything is consistent.
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