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NWN:EE Easy Trick Kill Vengaul, 420XP, +1 Chainmail, No AL Shift

Hi all, just thought i'd share this- just found this out.

Not sure about the original classic game, that was too many years back i can't remember, but in EE, there is a very simple method to kill Vengaul without any proper killer strategy, magic, or build. I wanted to find a method to kill him after i had engaged him in dialogue (not in cold blood), but if u do this he just runs away. once he touches the exit, he despawns and u might not do it in time. the trick is to kill off his guards pre-emptively, then damage him until the brink of death, get him to return to non-hostile mode, BEFORE engaging him in dialogue, and THEN killing him 1 hit after dialogue. Not that i think the game sees this as any different, but u know, for RP value lol.

I just did this with a Level 5 warrior-type with No Companion No Magic (but using +1 melee weapon going in sword & board, reasonably OK AC, and potions barkskin & bless). Killing him alone gave me 420XP that's huge at my level, even returning cockatrice feather to aribeth & telling her your cool story nets u less than this in total. And i compared this result with a scenario in which i let him go free, aribeth's congratz speech seems indifferent. nobody cares.

basically, after wasting callik & his minions, you proceed along a winding tunnel corridor, right? until u hit a metal door? vengaul is beyond that door with 2 bodyguards. save here. open the door, radial menu attack vengaul ie. DO NOT engage dialogue. attack him straight, he will pull out a bow, his bodyguards will react. once u see the bow in his hands, stop immediately run back through the door u came in and down the tunnel corridor abit. his bodyguards will chase u to engage u in melee, but vengaul, because he is still in range mode, won't! by the time he realises this u are out of his sight and quite far from his current position. dispatch the 2 bodyguards, they are not so tough. port back to aribeth to heal if u want.

when u port back, run through the door and immediately charge/attack him again. do this until he is about 20 dmg points beyond NEAR DEATH (u may require quicksaves for trial & error). if u need to port back to aribeth, each time break away from vengaul and run around the corridor's corner before activating the stone. u may need to do this multiple times if u r around my level. when u gauge he is close to one hit left from death, disengage and go hide around the corner of the corridor and wait there until the combat music stops. then run back inside the room with some distance between you and him, but do not attack.

from my testing, regardless of whether your cursor changes back to dialogue mode or remain in combat cursor, if you had waited a few seconds Vengaul would have 'calmed down' and will run towards you to engage you in Dialogue "Well Fought...." finish speaking with him, but at the last speech screen with the option 1. End Dialogue, do not exit, instead bring up radial menu and attack him. attacking him will bring u out of dialogue anyway. if u did this correctly, your first blow should hit, and it should kill him.

despite what i read online about vengaul dropping nothing, in EE he invariably dropped me a suit of +1 Chainmail. this is fixed not random. perhaps it would scale to a higher + or into another item if u were higher in level to me, i dunno.

hope this helps, i posted this cos i was looking for info on how to do this and if it had any immediate adverse effect, but i could not find info i needed. thanks for readng.


  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 140
    interesting...a pity he doesn't drop field plate!
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