The Frozen North - Open-Source PW based around Neverwinter and official content

Hello everyone! This is a PW server (roleplay encouraged) capped at level 12, with an aim to keep class and spell changes to a minimal - done with an effort by meticulously balancing items and encounters accordingly while keeping things challenging! The XP is slow-medium (since it's capped at level 12), low magic, and highly quest focused. Because there are very few changes to the class and spells, along with no RP rules, and the fact that the server is hakless, you should be able to get into the action in no time.
The story is set around the Wailing Death in Neverwinter, where you are a fledgling recruit to the Academy. You are first tasked with restoring order and stopping the chaos of thugs, necromancers, and others who seek to take advantage of Neverwinter in it's weak state. Later on, you will be allowed to leave Neverwinter in pursuit of finding the reagents of cure, traveling to places such as the Neverwinter Woods, the Spine of World, the Underdark, and other dangerous places of the Sword Coast.
- Items are capped to +3. Finding such items, even a +1 item, is rare and valuable.
- No items with "True Seeing", "Haste", or immunities. As an example, a belt that used to give immunity to fear may instead give +3 to saving throws against fear. This is to strengthen and make all classes valuable.
- Unique loot (over 600+). No random +1 Cursed Longsword of Frost and other things like that. Most loot is handpicked, ported, and rebalanced from cRPG classics such as Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, other Neverwinter Nights modules/campaigns, and etc. Expect to find something like Taralash or Carsomyr in the treasure tables!
Distributed Loot and Party Revival
Gold is evenly distributed to each player in a personal loot container, and any items are randomly distributed to each player in the vicinity. Being close to another friendly player or henchman will revive you outside of combat, similar to NWN2.
Solo and Party Friendly
This server is friendly to both solo and party players. Not only can you hire a multitude of henchman, but you can also enlist help from the local militia to help you on your quest for free.
Other Features
- Resting encounters and ambushes
- Random Event System
- Henchman and generic followers
- Summons, animal companions, and familiars do not affect XP
- Staves and shurikens count as monk weapons
- Most NPCs and enemies can be pickpocketed
- Enemies have a morale system
- Simple horse system
Check this page for a more extensive feature list.
Since this is a fresh server, we would be very appreciative of anyone who would like to contribute!
The story is set around the Wailing Death in Neverwinter, where you are a fledgling recruit to the Academy. You are first tasked with restoring order and stopping the chaos of thugs, necromancers, and others who seek to take advantage of Neverwinter in it's weak state. Later on, you will be allowed to leave Neverwinter in pursuit of finding the reagents of cure, traveling to places such as the Neverwinter Woods, the Spine of World, the Underdark, and other dangerous places of the Sword Coast.
- Items are capped to +3. Finding such items, even a +1 item, is rare and valuable.
- No items with "True Seeing", "Haste", or immunities. As an example, a belt that used to give immunity to fear may instead give +3 to saving throws against fear. This is to strengthen and make all classes valuable.
- Unique loot (over 600+). No random +1 Cursed Longsword of Frost and other things like that. Most loot is handpicked, ported, and rebalanced from cRPG classics such as Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, other Neverwinter Nights modules/campaigns, and etc. Expect to find something like Taralash or Carsomyr in the treasure tables!
Distributed Loot and Party Revival
Gold is evenly distributed to each player in a personal loot container, and any items are randomly distributed to each player in the vicinity. Being close to another friendly player or henchman will revive you outside of combat, similar to NWN2.
Solo and Party Friendly
This server is friendly to both solo and party players. Not only can you hire a multitude of henchman, but you can also enlist help from the local militia to help you on your quest for free.
Other Features
- Resting encounters and ambushes
- Random Event System
- Henchman and generic followers
- Summons, animal companions, and familiars do not affect XP
- Staves and shurikens count as monk weapons
- Most NPCs and enemies can be pickpocketed
- Enemies have a morale system
- Simple horse system
Check this page for a more extensive feature list.
Since this is a fresh server, we would be very appreciative of anyone who would like to contribute!
Post edited by pok on
I'm also close to finishing the port from Highcliff, the port town in NWN2:
This will serve as a hub and respawn point for the lower parts of the Sword Coast North.
Also, I'm looking for area designers or quest/dialogue writers to contribute to the project, but any help is appreciated. If you don't know how to use nasher, that's fine - I can walk you through it or I can just commit the erf/mod. Even if you are a newbie at the toolset, I'd be happy to guide and mentor you! I'd like to start some sort of PW built from community contributions
Some screenshots for your viewing pleasure! I hope to see you ingame and would be 100% happy to help/assist/party up with you to get you started! ^_^
==========Trial By Fire==============
The dim flicker of torches burned through the dust-laden shadows that haunted the corridors of the forgotten underground mausoleum. The silhouettes of two shambling figures appeared through the doorway, their every steps radiating with pure killing intent. Pulse quickening, temples throbbing, the two recruits on the other side rallied together, side-by-side in tenuous firelight, the adrenaline of their first battle coming to a cresting point as they braced for the attack...
========== The Return ==============
"Just a bit further!" Kavin kept his usual cheery gait, pouches filled with bounty and spoils dangling from his weathered belt. The elf looked back at his hunched-over academy mate, holding back a chuckle as the armor-clad knight apprentice strained to keep up.
"Very funny Kavin! Hopefully my armor won't rust before we make it there." The young man barely choked out a defeated laugh, his labored footsteps clanking through the square.
==========The Southern Watch==============
A cold mist hovered low above the dew-laden grass and cobblestone of the gateway as a robed figure stood gazing out at the near-endless stretch of weathered road.
"To Highcliff, a dangerous pass, laden with bandits and the sorts..." The robed wizard's voice trailed off as he glanced at his heavily-armored companion. With a slight shrug, the armor-clad man gave him a sigh and nodded.
The two awaited their friend, watching the trail of horse-mounted guards do their patrol runs...
========== Ice Spear Confirmation ==============
Regmiir's voice crackled with a triumphant ethereal quality as his glowing blue hands produced a jagged spear made solely of ice. Like a lance, it flew from his hands, piercing straight through an unsuspecting assailant with a resounding "crack," the exclamation point of the finale. The fog of battle drifted over the crimson-stained field like a burial shroud, the screams of the assailants fading to a mere whisper as the wind picked up through the mist-laden grove.
Here's a video SourceOfTheMist recorded of us (I'm Kavin Sureshot in the video) kicking some troll tail! Couldn't have done it without his traps.
Here's something you don't see in most persistent worlds: henchman that will banter and comment on their surroundings! Some are based on location, status, etc. Did I mention that they are voiced?
There is also a random events engine, very similar to Skyrim. A few examples include a paladin that will cure your disease and possibly be persuaded to join in your quest in the graveyard, a travelling merchant on the High Road, or even a wolf or bear pack on the way to Neverwinter River.
We have also re-done the wiki, so please check it out here for more information:
We're still looking for builders, by the way! Check out the Builder's Guide in the wiki as well if you are interested in building a world for the community
Adventurers have been added as a random event! You may encounter them on the roads as well as dangerous dungeons.
Already filled to the brim with treasures from their adventure, they may prove to be a useful ally to other would-be adventurers.
We encounter some bandits on the roads outside of Neverwinter, which is easily dispatched by our small army.
We happen by some ogres and a powerful ogre mage, and a battle ensued...
We manage to overcome them, but not without some heavy losses.
Along the way we spotted an old abandoned outpost that is now inhabited by hobgoblins. They are quickly destroyed and deprived of their ill-gotten treasures. We were also accompanied by a travelling adventurer, who was eager to join the party.
We find our way into the Mere of Dead Men, where our numbers are almost depleted. Kavin lied dying on the ground, while a pack of trolls were chasing poor Thelonius...
Meanwhile, the trolls giving chase to Thelonius were unaware of Tobias laying some hasty traps...
With some cleverly placed traps, Tobias and Thelonius were able to take down the trolls and save Kavin and friends!
We make it to the lizardfolk lair in search of the heart of a pureblood yuan-ti. At first there was little resistance, but soon they all came out of the woodwork and we were quickly overwhelmed.
Somehow, Tobias managed to save all of us with his trusty traps. At that point we decided we should head to Highcliff to recuperate, of which Tobias was able to provide the party with a handy spell of Sanctuary...
We finally made our way to Highcliff, mostly unscathed thanks to the Sanctuary spell. There were a few stragglers who followed, who was greeted not so warmly by the guards awaiting our arrival.
Here's a video of one of the fierce battles we had last night! We lost a dear friend, but managed to exact our revenge! OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU!! ( ≧Д≦)
The server is quick to action and with low population at the moment the henchmen come in handy!
"Night Shift"
"In the Maw of Death"
What we're going for is going to be very close to original Sword Coast North!
The areas are quite fresh and are in need of placeables to liven the place up, but they will be soon! Also, these screenshots were taken without NPCs added - they look much more lively in-game. Once I finally get some time to game, I'll take some additional screenshots of gameplay.
We're also looking for builders of any sort, big or small. Scripters, area designers, quest writers, sandwich makers - anything helps hehe. Please let me know if you are interested
There is also a ferry system, where players can use to quickly travel to other districts.
Animal companions and familiars have also been tweaked. Some rarely used familiars such as bats are now useful, as they gain vampiric regeneration that scales based on their master's level. Some other tweaks include on-hit stuns for faerie dragons, on-hit sleep for pixies, fear immunity and wounding on-hit for badgers, and more. More info here.
I will say that some NPCs are a bit more fleshed out, such as Sedos Sebile. She has a much bigger role here than she did in the OC. The same for Meldanen, the Blacklake district, and a few others I forgot. Overall, the story is a bit more expanded because of the way the reagents part of the storyline has changed. I would best describe it as a PW that re-imagines the original campaign with eventual tie ins to other campaigns and games (HotU, SoU, NWN2, etc...) I've also added a lot of my own quests as well, and many more areas such as a heavily expanded Neverwinter Woods, Highcliff, the Mere of Dead Men, and more. Sorry in advance if that doesn't answer your question specifically!
The whole of Neverwinter city has been redone with the new tilesets, so there's that too.
I also use the XP2 version of the voices for the henchmans when applicable, so if you bring them along they're very chatty and do have some situational banters, so it might have the feeling of "HotU" in a sense where they aren't mute except for trap disabling and chest smashing.
Oooh I love this, it's like what the OC should have been like.
We're also looking to add a few contributors/collaborators. Experience also doesn't matter, happy to mentor fledgling builders and etc 🙂
Some more background on this PW: It's a level 12 action PW that is based around the Wailing Death campaign from the original game, with tie-ins to Hordes of the Underdark and possibly Shadows of the Undrentide. It's low magic, and incorporates many elements from those stories - such as quests, companions, etc. I'm also looking to incorporate content from the premium modules - mainly what it will take is adapting the areas and content and converting the dialogue/quests to use in our system, as well as giving it a balance pass.
Most of the cure part for the Wailing Death is complete, but I'm looking to incorporate more content from Chapter 2-4 as well as a significant content update for the Underdark. Let's create an awesome amalgamation of all the official content! Also very open to your own twists, quest lines, companions, etc.
Please let me know if you have any questions or inquiries! 😄
Treasure maps.
These can be found in random loot, but especially from bosses/semibosses, and in Marauder's Bay. You might need to pick up a shovel from random loot or local stores to complete these. (If a surface isn't diggable, try checking your map in the right spot!) For a more complete overview, see - at the time of writing there are 647 possible locations these can take you)
Courtesy of Loggy
The Underdark has been added, you can find all the HotU companions there and start the main quest to save the rebel city from the Valsharess. It's not just copy-pasted verbatim, a lot of has changed and been refactored. As you can see in the screenshots, we added new puzzles for the Isle of the Maker part.
Thanks Loggy for the Isle of the Maker update, was a lot of amazing work!!
The entire Castle Jhareg questline has been added. Quite unique to see a PW that can handle multiple quest endings! See it revamped with new encounters and rewards.
And much, much more! Too many to list in one post. Can't believe it's been more than a year since the last post, sheesh.
Come check us out!
You can now go to city of Luskan to stop the impending war against Neverwinter. The scope is far bigger than that of the original campaign, as you will take the fight to all five High Captains as well as the Arcane Brotherhood. The city itself is under lockdown - avoid the wardens that patrol around the area.
We have also added placeable decorations in your house. Come check out Feywild Furnishings to purchase some decor. Most of the placeables from the game are featured here, but there are plans to add in some speciality stores like a drow furniture store in Lith My'athar.
Here's an example of a player's decorated house. Quite homely, isn't it?
More to come.