Unholy Reaver in other Premiums

Hi, is there an unholy reaver for blackguards anywhere in the other premiums? i realize the holy avenger (longsword) in HotU has no alignment restriction, just scans for paladin levels to activate holy avenger trait, so if a blackguard had ex-paladin levels, it should activate and function.
However to be aesthetically correct, you may agree this is not exactly the same. The weapon is still a Holy weapon man. Is there a mod which introduces a separate weapon 'Unholy Reaver' perhaps mirroring the HA, except it checks for blackguard levels instead? And possibly the glow appearance, is there a darker glow maybe use the purple like from eldritch effects. I do realize it's still divine damage since there is no separate 'infernal' damage code
However to be aesthetically correct, you may agree this is not exactly the same. The weapon is still a Holy weapon man. Is there a mod which introduces a separate weapon 'Unholy Reaver' perhaps mirroring the HA, except it checks for blackguard levels instead? And possibly the glow appearance, is there a darker glow maybe use the purple like from eldritch effects. I do realize it's still divine damage since there is no separate 'infernal' damage code
Should be pretty easy to make one:
Only usable by Class: Blackguard
OnHit: Disspell Magic
Damage bonus: Negative Energy
Visual Effect: Evil