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video uploads

Nows a great time to upload some great footage of personal play of the game for others to see on youtube and give this EE more attention. :-) Are monsters I saw in the trailer, fire giant and goblins restricted only to the new areas or did they put some in the old?


  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I made a thread for posting every video people make whenever they want to, there are some videos up already, you can check them out! :)

    As for your question, I believe (although cannot confirm 100% as I haven't played all of the new content quite yet) the old areas of the game stay largely untouched. The new areas available though should have some foes that we haven't seen in BG1 before :)
  • MyNameIsRobMyNameIsRob Member Posts: 36
    That is some great news! I had heard that they couldn't use monsters from any other game yet, good to see this as a special surprise! Makes me want the game even more, I think I will get it tonight. I'll look for that link of yours.
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