Color Change Issue in Toolset

Hi all,
Apologies if this has been posted before.. I searched for a while, didn't find anything, then decided to post.
Does anyone else have the issue in the latest toolset build wherein the color palette doesn't actually change the color for whatever you are editing? This applies to NPCs and armor. For example, I want to give High Priestess Qilue hot pink skin:

Her deep blue Drow skin color remains:

Apologies if this has been posted before.. I searched for a while, didn't find anything, then decided to post.
Does anyone else have the issue in the latest toolset build wherein the color palette doesn't actually change the color for whatever you are editing? This applies to NPCs and armor. For example, I want to give High Priestess Qilue hot pink skin:

Her deep blue Drow skin color remains:

If you change the SKIN color, hit OK, open the NPC's inventory, then hit OK to close it, and it will update their skin color.
For armors, change the color, hit OK, then hit the radial to change it from Female to Male and you'll see it update.
Thanks again, helpful soul.