Campaign DM and Builder Bundle

The NWN Campaign DM and Builder Bundle contains five PDF guides and two module packages designed to provide everything needed to start DMing and building multiplayer campaign modules in NWN:EE.
** PDF guides:
Creating and Running a Neverwinter Nights Campaign - walks through the process of building and DMing your own campaign, including a number of helpful external resource links.
Creative DMing and Playing Techniques in Neverwinter Nights – demonstrates tools and techniques for how DMs and players can go beyond the NWN engine and create new possibilities for in-game actions.
DMing in a Persistent World Environment – covers the unique ideas and practical issues encountered when running PW-based campaigns.
Multiplayer Connection and Hosting Guide - a step-by-step explanation of how to use NWN:EE in multiplayer mode, including launching and hosting using the DM client
Quick and Dirty MP Roleplay Reference - helps orient those new to the multiplayer interface, as well as providing a common (optional) reference point for in-game behavior.
** Two NWN module packages:
DMFI 101: Enhanced Edition is the community DM tutorial module for NWN:EE, with hands-on exposure to all the basic DM client functions and some of the more advanced possibilities. A PDF guide is included along with the module file. Brought to you by the DM-Friendly Initiative (DMFI).
MP Starter Module for NWN:EE contains a basic template module, in both no-hak and CEP 2.65 versions, with multiple resting, death and other configurable script systems that can help save time for builders of new multiplayer campaigns. The community DMFI Wands and Widgets script package, used for enhancing DM and player actions in-game, is also pre-installed. All starter module features are fully documented in the accompanying builder’s guide, while many additional builder resource links and tips for building MP modules are included in the package.
Download the bundle from the Neverwinter Vault:
** PDF guides:
Creating and Running a Neverwinter Nights Campaign - walks through the process of building and DMing your own campaign, including a number of helpful external resource links.
Creative DMing and Playing Techniques in Neverwinter Nights – demonstrates tools and techniques for how DMs and players can go beyond the NWN engine and create new possibilities for in-game actions.
DMing in a Persistent World Environment – covers the unique ideas and practical issues encountered when running PW-based campaigns.
Multiplayer Connection and Hosting Guide - a step-by-step explanation of how to use NWN:EE in multiplayer mode, including launching and hosting using the DM client
Quick and Dirty MP Roleplay Reference - helps orient those new to the multiplayer interface, as well as providing a common (optional) reference point for in-game behavior.
** Two NWN module packages:
DMFI 101: Enhanced Edition is the community DM tutorial module for NWN:EE, with hands-on exposure to all the basic DM client functions and some of the more advanced possibilities. A PDF guide is included along with the module file. Brought to you by the DM-Friendly Initiative (DMFI).
MP Starter Module for NWN:EE contains a basic template module, in both no-hak and CEP 2.65 versions, with multiple resting, death and other configurable script systems that can help save time for builders of new multiplayer campaigns. The community DMFI Wands and Widgets script package, used for enhancing DM and player actions in-game, is also pre-installed. All starter module features are fully documented in the accompanying builder’s guide, while many additional builder resource links and tips for building MP modules are included in the package.
Download the bundle from the Neverwinter Vault: