userpatch.ini file for mac
The Patch folder thing like Zwerkules or NWN Revamped work fine on my Windows PC. I have figured out how to install them (actually the Zwerkules patch hack is simple and gives all the files like the userpatch.ini file.
My problem is doing this on my Mac with Catalina on it. Everything I have searched online seems to imply to save as a TEXT file and save as .ini but this doesn't work.
The only thing that DOES work is to copy the ini file from a PC where the working ini file has been made. This worked with Zwerkules. But I am curious if anyone that has a mac knows how to make these patch folder hak things work. NWN Revamped doesn't come with an ini file and if I didn't have a PC handy I would be out of luck. I would like to know the MAC fix from a mac user.
My problem is doing this on my Mac with Catalina on it. Everything I have searched online seems to imply to save as a TEXT file and save as .ini but this doesn't work.
The only thing that DOES work is to copy the ini file from a PC where the working ini file has been made. This worked with Zwerkules. But I am curious if anyone that has a mac knows how to make these patch folder hak things work. NWN Revamped doesn't come with an ini file and if I didn't have a PC handy I would be out of luck. I would like to know the MAC fix from a mac user.
I don't know what options any in-built Mac text editor has, but you need to find a way to save the .ini using windows line endings (CR/LF) not Unix line endings (LF)
Just my guess at cause.