Looking for Server, Full 40, Casual Roleplay
I am looking for a persistent world that allows a full 40 levels and is roleplay friendly...low population is not an issue, but as a casual player I am also looking for relatively fast leveling.
If possible...
- No resting restrictions
- No class restriction
- As little change from Vanilla NWN as possible (not a deal breaker)
- Plenty of dungeons to explore
- No application process
- Friendly community
I am basically a casual player with some other casual gamer friends who are looking to find a server where we can ‘Diablo and Chill’...hack and slash through dungeons but still relax and Roleplay together.
Thanks in advance...
If possible...
- No resting restrictions
- No class restriction
- As little change from Vanilla NWN as possible (not a deal breaker)
- Plenty of dungeons to explore
- No application process
- Friendly community
I am basically a casual player with some other casual gamer friends who are looking to find a server where we can ‘Diablo and Chill’...hack and slash through dungeons but still relax and Roleplay together.
Thanks in advance...
What's special about Crymn Cemetery:
- It has a high quality spell recording and instant casting system. You can buff yourself once with any combination of metamagic, and subsequently instant buff as long as you're not in combat.
- It has 3 additional races which I made myself that are fully customizable (Satyr, Dryad, and Illithid for wisdom, charisma, and intelligence builds with racial special abilities/psionic abilities).
- It has a color coded loot system. When you defeat enemies light shafts spawn that show you when a rare item has dropped (with multiple colors indicating different levels of rarity).
- Primary enemies are undead and constructs, so you'll find you don't have to rely on critical hits unlike most modules. This will give you a unique experience.
- Compiled weapon feats (Simple, Martial, and Exotic) so that you don't have to specialize in one weapon. You can specialize in a group of weapons instead. If you find a cool weapon you can most likely use it to the fullest.
- Magic Spellcasting Books which are equippable Baldur's Gate style
-Tons more.
The only downside is that it's not huge area-wise yet. My module has pretty much everything else you're looking for: Hack and Slash style, fast leveling up, no class restrictions, no resting restrictions (with fast rest and even a resting tool for use every 10 minutes), and modest changes from original NWN.
Read more here:
Read even more and download the hakpak here:
- No resting restrictions - Resting is allowed once every 8 RL minutes, no too big a restriction
- No class restriction - None! We do allow monster races, like Kobold, Goblin, and Gnolls, but these do have a few requirements to play.
- As little change from Vanilla NWN as possible (not a deal breaker) - We only use CEP (The Community Expansion Pack), a must have for any gameworld.
- Plenty of dungeons to explore - Big check! We have over 250 areas to explore. Big, multi-level dungeons, 6+ player Raid style dungeons, and all quest lines are party friendly. New quality areas are added weekly. We also have diablo style Named Monsters that drop unique loot and tons of bosses.
- No application process - Check, but we do encourage players to write up biographies for their characters. We reward this with in-game experience and soft cap progression.
- Friendly community - Biggest check. Our community is super welcoming.
The only other thing is leveling to 40. Our content only takes you up to level 20 naturally, at the moment, but we are constantly adding and expanding. Leveling to 20 is pretty fast and casual, but we have slowed down the climb past 20 significantly. It's still possible to hit 40 but we have a soft cap in place that is getting bumped higher over time. We plan to have the full 40 levels accessible in the future as we continue to grow.
We also have frequent DM events, if you want to participate. We try to run them like a tabletop game and player interaction and the choices they make literally shape the gameworld. We the server started 3 years ago the main town was nothing more than a tent city... they've built it up into a sizeable town, players own property, run guilds, the guard, and more.
Come say hi on discord!